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L.A. Month 10: The Top 10 Things I Hate About L.A.

admin - July 11, 2011

I’m back today after ten days on the east coast with family and friends – back to the new city and coast where I’ve now lived for ten full months. And so in honor of these facts and the fact that I have zero brain power to write a legitimately thoughtful post (though one is coming about how it feels to watch the first of …

What gay marriage passing in New York means to me

admin - June 27, 2011

I have had three, male best friends in my life – one from middle school, one from high school, and one from college – and all three of them are gay. None of them were fully aware of this fact when I met them at ages 12, 14 and 18, respectively but one by one they came to the realization and subsequently out to me. …

Why I think we 20-somethings need therapy

admin - June 23, 2011

There are a million blog-post worthy things packed inside Lori Gottlieb’s article on how to land your kids in therapy (see yesterday’s post). There’s the whole idea that our generation has a discomfort with being uncomfortable: “If kids can’t experience painful feelings, [Dr. Dan] Kindlon told me when I called him not long ago, they won’t develop “psychological immunity.” “It’s like the way our body’s …

Lori Gottlieb thinks she knows why our entire generation is in therapy

admin - June 22, 2011

*(photo credit below) Lori Gottlieb has done it again. You may remember that name from the wildly controversial article she wrote for The Atlantic called Marry Him! The Case For Settling later expanded into a book. I actually wrote about it long, long ago. Now Gottlieb is back with an equally buzz-building article (with an equally grabby title): How To Land Your Kid In Therapy. …

Defining the “wandering eye”

admin - June 21, 2011

It went something like this a week or so ago: ME: _________’s girlfriend seems really nice R: Yeah, she’s ok. ME: Oh really? What’s wrong with her? R: Nothing. She’s just got the wandering eye. ME: The what? R: The wandering eye. ME: I don’t know what that is. R: The wandering eye? ME: (eye roll) R: It’s just the way she looks at other …

On letting my freak flag fly: suitcase edition

admin - June 17, 2011

I am currently on the East coast with R as his +1 to the wedding of one of his very best friends. It’s taken me 27.9 years, but I am finally attending a wedding with a boyfriend. In negative news, I’m down one killer “never have I ever.” Naturally this kind of event comes with its stresses. I’m meeting some of R’s best friends for …

L.A. 9.5 Months In: Social Currency in LaLa Land

admin - June 15, 2011

…how to craft this post so that you don’t end up hating me slash the city of Los Angeles… Perhaps a list of disclaimers will help: Every place has a social currency – a system of understanding who is where in life (succeeding, failing, struggling, rising) based on given factors about their life (they have a lot of money, they published a book, they have …

A new idea about why some people stay in bad relationships

admin - June 13, 2011

I have a list of go-to places I peruse when I don’t have any new ideas for a blog post. The Modern Love archives of The New York Times, TheFrisky.com, Slate, and the typical list of lady glossies (Marie Claire, Cosmo, Harper’s Bazaar, etc.). They usually feature something that jogs some idea that turns into some rambling that I can stick a beginning and ending …

Whether or not college is a waste of time: my take

admin - June 10, 2011

My response to the article I posted yesterday by a recent college drop out who believes college is a waste of time. I’m going to start this post by saying the thing I hate to say when it comes to matters of judgment. It depends. Take me for example. I went to an expensive college and majored in something many less expensive colleges offer – …