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Jessie Rosen

Jessie Rosen resides physically in LA and mentally in NY. She writes scripts, books, articles, sex stories, branded content and killer e-mails.

My Favorite Lesson from the #GirlBoss Book

Jessie Rosen - October 13, 2015

Image from styleXstyle.com I decided to download Nasty Gal creator Sophia Amoruso‘s book #GirlBoss yesterday afternoon because I’m feeling in need of a little push/gut check/inspiration? Not sure. I’m stuck in this I’m not making enough money…why am I not making enough money?…how can I turn all the hours of work I do into more money rut, which is less of a rut of more of …

How I Prepare To Write Everything: The Brain Dump

Jessie Rosen - October 8, 2015

[Image source: Brain Dump by Jessabel on Deviant Art] My friends over at Writing Pad (the writing school where I teach) posted the link to an article about prepping to outline your novel in advance of National Novel Writing Month (or NaNoWriMo, hahahaha), which is November – I assume because they both start with an N. The article (link through photo) is really helpful and very …

Driving In Cars With Husbands…and wives

Jessie Rosen - October 6, 2015

Last week I watched a BuzzFeed-produced short film for Hyundai that triggered the idea for this post. For the record, I am not being paid by Hyundai, and it is only a coincidence that a friend of mine worked on the commercial. That said, it’s cute as hell. The video reminded that I’ve been meaning to write about that fact that it is impossible to drive in …

Hump Day Help: Pumpkin Bites, Fake Showers, Biz Cards & Planned Parenthood

Jessie Rosen - September 30, 2015

Wednesday means four ways to waste at least an hour! Here are my favorite options for this week. Healthy Pumpkin Spiced Latte Bites via The Big Man’s World Because enough with the 5,000 calorie, $5-a-pop Starbucks invention. Time to take back the flavor pumpkin! Moo Business Cards Because I just ordered a brand new set and was reminded for the fifth time how incredible this company …

5 Ways the World Could Make It Easier To Become a Writer

Jessie Rosen - September 29, 2015

Image via: http://bit.ly/1h4S5h0 My friend Liz recently sent me an article written by the phenomenal essayist and author Meghan Daum. It’s called My Misspent Youth (Daum has a book by the same name), and it’s written just before she leaves New York for Lincoln, Nebraska – 70,000+ in debt despite successes most writers spend their lives envying. It’s about the fact that life as a writer is …

My Personal Fall TV Shows Schedule

Jessie Rosen - September 24, 2015

This morning I finally went through the full Fall TV shows schedule so that I could properly DVR all my programming, so that I could work my Class Pass schedule around my TV viewing schedule, so that I know exactly which nights I can walk to Mainland Poke on 3rd Street for dinner. I thought you might be interested to know so that we can blog/tweet/’gram/complain about it …

How To Be Independent: According To My Puppy

Jessie Rosen - September 22, 2015

  Sunday was Louie’s adoption anniversary – one year to the day since we brought him home. It made me think about the afternoon we picked him out of the litter of six puppies born to a sweet poodle-schnauzer-something mix left on the highway three days before she gave birth. She had five white dogs and one dog the color of that dessert people on the East Coast …