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Jessie Rosen

Jessie Rosen resides physically in LA and mentally in NY. She writes scripts, books, articles, sex stories, branded content and killer e-mails.

Why I Support the Adult-Only Wedding

Jessie Rosen - July 7, 2015

I love a good Internet controversy, and this week we have one that’s right up my alley: is the adult-only wedding invite totally rude or totally appropriate? Chaunie Brusie over at YourTango.com (because, “it takes two to tango” but screw that? I’m not sure) says rude in her piece on the matter. Though she very much enjoys a no-kids wedding, Chaunie has kids (by choice, we assume) …

How I (Try To) Achieve a Work/Life Balance

Jessie Rosen - June 30, 2015

A few weeks ago I posted The Balance Project interview of writer Cindy Chupack. Today, thanks to novelest and Balance Project honcho Susie Orman Schnall, I’m publishing my own answers to those same questions of how to achieve a work/life balance – or at least how to start trying. The answer I’m proudest of:  What do you wish you’d known when you were 20? That there is …

The Secret To Fixing Your Screenplay: Get It A Therapist

Jessie Rosen - June 25, 2015

A note on therapy: I am a major advocate for therapy. I have personally experienced the benefits and know countless others who would boast the same. I view therapy as an opportunity to understand myself better with the help of a professional that knows how the brain works. More on all that some other time. A note on screenplays: I am a major advocate for character …

Vacation to Turkey in 2.5 Minutes!

Jessie Rosen - June 24, 2015

I knew I was lucky to be among the very first group of US Travel Bloggers to visit Turkey as guests of Turkish Airlines, but when I saw the video recapping our trip I realized just how incredible an effort this was for everyone involved in the planning. In case you need a reason to visit Turkey, here is (almost) everything you’ll get if you …

The Easiest Vacation Money Saving Tip In The World

Jessie Rosen - June 23, 2015

I have uncovered the easiest vacation money saving tip around, and I’m already using it to get myself to Thailand ASAP (with R, if he continues to play along). Dramatic, I know, but I stand by my statement. Of course by “uncovered” I mean that one Ashley Feinstein of the blog The Fiscal Femme and website Knowing Your Worth told me how to do it. I …

7 Reasons Why Couples Who Travel Together, Stay Together

Jessie Rosen - June 22, 2015

As promised, I’m going to be sharing a piece about R and my new strategy around saving for travel, tomorrow. Today I thought I’d remind you why we’re making such an effort with a piece from WingMan Magazine on why couples who travel together, stay together. Note: Wingman is a magazine for men looking to “attract girls, gain confidence…and more.” Not my typical subject-area, but I love …

How To Volunteer (And Why)

Jessie Rosen - June 17, 2015

  A few weeks ago I spent an hour talking to some incredible little ones about my life as a writer. I made a little powerpoint, wore a little professional outfit and was a little nervous. They did not seem to notice. It was that greatest thing I’ve done with 60 minutes in a very long time (also I got Dominos pizza and a whole lesson on …