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Jessie Rosen

Jessie Rosen resides physically in LA and mentally in NY. She writes scripts, books, articles, sex stories, branded content and killer e-mails.

My East Coast Trip: Ranking the 10 Beds in 17 Days

Jessie Rosen - June 16, 2015

I just spent 17 days on the east coast during which time I slept in 10 beds, on purpose. It’s not uncommon for me to be between five or six sleeping spots during a given east coast trip. Both R and my families are among New Jersey and New York, plus we like to stop and see people in Manhattan, my sister in New Brunswick, my …

Your Definitive Guide to Caitlyn Jenner Cocktail Conversation

Jessie Rosen - June 9, 2015

As you know unless you’ve been stranded in the middle of the ocean without cell phone reception for two weeks, Bruce Jenner said goodbye and Caitlyn Jenner said hello. Yes, Caitlyn with a C. More on that later. Regardless of your opinion on the matter, this is a huge moment in history. And with huge moments come huge opinions (aka the best opinions). Your social circle may …

The 3 Best Ice Creams on the East Coast

Jessie Rosen - June 5, 2015

Hello from my 16-day vacay on the east coast. Between my little sister’s college graduation, my 10-year college reunion and my best friend’s wedding next weekend (post to come), I will travel to six states: Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New York. So far the one thing I’ve done in 3 of the 6 is eat ice cream. I know it’s National Donut Day …

How To Survive Your 10 Year College Reunion

Jessie Rosen - June 2, 2015

(What felt like) 20 minutes ago, I wrote a blog post called “What I Learned At My 5 Year College Reunion.” Today I am writing this reflection on surviving my 10 year college reunion. If that wasn’t enough to send me into an emotional tailspin, I also attended the college graduation of my littlest sister (read my advice for her people here), submitted the second draft …

class of 2015

Advice For The Class of 2015 aka My Littlest Sister

Jessie Rosen - May 28, 2015

Hi Alex and the rest of the class of 2015! How are you? Just kidding! I know you’re terrible. I know you’re miserable. I know you’re so freaking hungover. I know this because 10 years ago (or one decade. depends on how depressed you want to feel about it), I was exactly where you are: about to graduate from college. I had (and have) never been more depressed in …

The 10 Weirdest Things About Being Engaged – for Bustle.com

Jessie Rosen - May 27, 2015

I am very excited to announce that some of my favorite 20-Nothings pieces are now getting re-born (birthed?) on Bustle.com – the NY-based site for all things feminine. We’re starting with this oh-so-true tale about how weird it is to be engaged. Give my Bustle friends a follow on Facebook and Twitter, and while you’re at it share this post with every single engage lady you …

7 Things You Must See in Big Sur

Jessie Rosen - May 26, 2015

This weekend R and I took a drive up California’s famously scenic Route 1 for a weekend of R&R&eating in Big Sur, California’s famously beautiful hippie enclave. The trip is worth at least five blog post (still to come, the story of our 3 hours of nudity at The Esalen Institute!), but today I wanted to focus on something DIY-friendly for your own future travel. Enjoy …

I’m Done Doing My Hair: Join Me!

Jessie Rosen - May 21, 2015

Good morning. As of 7:40am PST on Thursday, May 21st in the year 2015 I will no longer be doing my hair. This stands as your official notice…and my official way of Internet-shaming myself into sticking to the plan. What do I mean I’m not doing my hair? asked all you girls with anxious, jealous glee and all you guys because you actually don’t understand. I mean that …

What NOT To Say To a Writer During TV Staffing Season

Jessie Rosen - May 19, 2015

Well, L.A. (and some of New York), it’s that magical time of year again: TV writer staffing season aka hell week – or hell two weeks? No one really knows because network TV staffing season is like that weird flower that blooms for a day and smells like death. It’s called the amorphophallus titanium. I know that because I have to pretend to be looking …