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Jessie Rosen

Jessie Rosen resides physically in LA and mentally in NY. She writes scripts, books, articles, sex stories, branded content and killer e-mails.

Do Not Date Him If…

Jessie Rosen - November 18, 2014

I’m back from a quick trip east with an attempt to save you from some of the garbage people that I hear are trolling the dating pool. In three shorts weeks I’ve talked to not one or three but five women who were wronged by a dude based on one of the following scenarios. While I want to tell you to be trusting, hopeful, open …

Writer Life: The Power of the Forced Timeline

Jessie Rosen - November 12, 2014

I didn’t write a post yesterday because I reserved the entire day to work on a new book manuscript that I’ve been working on for an amount of time I am unwilling to admit in print. I walked Louie earlier than usual, showered the night before, fully charged my computer so I could sit in whatever spot in the apartment felt most inspiring and put …

The Five Things I Tell Everyone To Do After They Move to LA to Be a Writer

Jessie Rosen - November 6, 2014

I like to pay it forward by having coffee/lunch/drinks/mani-pedis with family friends or acquaintances who’ve recently moved to L.A. (but mostly mani-pedis). Really kind people did the same thing for me when I first made the transition, and it’s literally the least I can do considering I have no jobs or ins at hotel roof pools to offer. There is little rhyme or reason to …

#HumpDayHappy: I Got Paid To Do A Writing Sample

Jessie Rosen - November 5, 2014

A few weeks ago I submitted a writing sample to be considered for a writing job. The sample was a five page script based on a prompt with some direction on characters and tone. It took me approximately five hours to complete if you factor in thinking time, writing time and editing time. That is the shortest amount of time I’ve ever spent on a …

My Super Strange Addiction Confession

Jessie Rosen - November 4, 2014

I was channel surfing (do people still say/do that?) during my self-granted, 1/2 hour lunch break yesterday when I stumbled upon a re-run of TLC’s My Strange Addiction. It was the episode where people want to be Barbie dolls (literally), which in the grand scheme of My Strange Addiction episodes is not all that weird (one girl eats rocks, guys), but I still sat there …

#HumpDayHappy: Make Money Off Your Awful Ex!

Jessie Rosen - October 29, 2014

I’m always for making lemonade out of lemons, especially if those lemons are of the crappy relationship variety. Case in excellent point NEVER LIKED IT ANYWAY – the genius creation of some ladies who decided to trade in their boyfriend battle wounds for money and, apparently, fame (The New York Times, marie claire, and The Today Show have already come knocking). The origin story: Annabel …

#HumpDayHappy: Jennifer Garner said, “No one asks Ben about work-family balance”

Jessie Rosen - October 22, 2014

Remember how much you loved Jennifer Garner in 13 Going on 30 and/or Alias and/or Juno? Well she’s even better in real life. Today’s little ray of sunshine goes out to this mother of three who happens to be married to Batman. Not only is she taking on more interesting roles than ever (Dallas Buyers Club, Men Women & Children), but she’s talking smack about …

What It Means to Say “a Couple Should Challenge Each Other”

Jessie Rosen - October 21, 2014

very relevant MTV reference R and I were having drinks with a friend who recently went through a break up. He is the kind of friend you love and respect enough to say very honest things, which always helps when talking about relationships over a hummus platter. At one point I said, “It sounds like she wasn’t interested in being challenged, and you’re the kind …