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Jessie Rosen

Jessie Rosen resides physically in LA and mentally in NY. She writes scripts, books, articles, sex stories, branded content and killer e-mails.

Why I Procrastinate, I Now Know

Jessie Rosen - September 18, 2014

I, like every single writer I know, am a horrible procrastinator. Here, in no particular order, are the ways in which I procrastinate: I scroll through Instagram I scroll through Facebook I scroll through Twitter I scroll through Pinterest I check the Cheat Sheet on The Daily Beast I try to do a loose side braid I try to do a perfect top knot I …

#HumpDayHappy: Meet Louie!

Jessie Rosen - September 17, 2014

As of Saturday afternoon, R and I will be puppy parents. We survived eight days in a car together directly after our wedding. Now it’s time to put this brand new marriage to an even bigger test! Louie (formerly Gouda) is one of “The Cheeze Wiz Kids” born to a poodle/schnauzer mix named Poodalini. Our good friends Carley and Chelsea helped their mom Roz raised …

The Top 5 Ways People Find This Blog Will Shock You

Jessie Rosen - September 16, 2014

Every once in awhile I take a look at the analytics for this site to see how it’s doing numbers wise and find out where people are reading (hello Iceland!). I use Google Analytics because it is free and incredibly easy to set up, so easy that I didn’t know I already had it working for three years! This time I scrolled down a little …

Progress After Four Years in Los Angeles

Jessie Rosen - September 11, 2014

my street. #sorrynotsorry Labor Day marked my Fourth L.A.nniversary, and I totally forgot. Year one was ironically celebrated in New York. Year two I made a big fuss and organized a Cliche LA Staycation Day. I have no idea what I did year three, but I do remember remembering. Then this year came and went without so much as a, “how ’bout that!” Maybe you …

#HumpDayHappy: Marnie the Dog Has a Problem With Her Tongue

Jessie Rosen - September 10, 2014

…and that problem is the solution to your ENTIRE MISERABLE WEDNESDAY! This is my way of giving back after writing something super heavy yesterday. You can spend your entire day watching videos of Marnie on her YouTube page and your entire life following Marnie’s adventures on her Instagram account! And you can thank BuzzFeed video for bringing this to my attention. Also, I think what …

An Open Letter to Mrs. Bill Simmons: I’ll Make My Husband Give Up Football this Weekend If You Do Too

Jessie Rosen - September 9, 2014

Dear Mrs. Simmons – I’m writing to you because I am deeply disturbed by Ray Rice punching Janay Palmer unconscious inside an Atlantic City elevator, the NFL’s responses over the past months and Janay Palmer’s latest statement to the media. As a woman and human, I imagine you are confused and upset too. This conversation on MSNBC does an excellent job of recapping my feelings. …

LA! I’m Teaching a Blogging Class

Jessie Rosen - September 8, 2014

I am thrilled to announce that thanks to the fantastic people over at the fantastic Writing Pad (the BEST OF LA Weekly writing school), I am offering my very first blogging workshop.  SO YOU WANNA BE A BLOGGER?  Sunday, September 21st, 2:30-5:30pm snacks and drinks included! Look I have a whole page on the site and everything!   Won’t you please join me for an …

#HumpDayHappy: Nancy Drew 2.0

Jessie Rosen - September 3, 2014

We technically didn’t have a Monday, but I’m loving this new series and I didn’t post yesterday, so here you go! Alison Leiby – Sunday Night Sex Talks NY alum and all-around hysterical woman – wrote this killer piece for Thought Catalog: 19 Nancy Drew Titles If She Were A Millennial My fave: The Mystery Of The Text That Just Said “Cool” My second fave: The …

Why You Need a Travel Consultant

Jessie Rosen - August 28, 2014

As you know, I can fall a tad on the confident side. I think I know how to handle my business best by myself – from planning a wedding to planning an Emmy Awards outfit. Sometimes I do (see wedding) and sometimes I don’t (see Emmys, though to be clear it was the shopping not ultimately deciding that was complete and utter crazy town). Our …