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7 Things

How To Start A Blog in 7 Easy Steps

Jessie Rosen - July 9, 2015

The #1 e-mail I receive goes something like this: I want to start a blog, but I don’t know where to begin. Any tips for how to get going? My advice is the same every single time, so I thought I’d finally formalize those recommended steps into a little post. Before diving in I just want to say that I think starting a blog is the …

7 Reasons Why Couples Who Travel Together, Stay Together

Jessie Rosen - June 22, 2015

As promised, I’m going to be sharing a piece about R and my new strategy around saving for travel, tomorrow. Today I thought I’d remind you why we’re making such an effort with a piece from WingMan Magazine on why couples who travel together, stay together. Note: Wingman is a magazine for men looking to “attract girls, gain confidence…and more.” Not my typical subject-area, but I love …

7 Things You Must See in Big Sur

Jessie Rosen - May 26, 2015

This weekend R and I took a drive up California’s famously scenic Route 1 for a weekend of R&R&eating in Big Sur, California’s famously beautiful hippie enclave. The trip is worth at least five blog post (still to come, the story of our 3 hours of nudity at The Esalen Institute!), but today I wanted to focus on something DIY-friendly for your own future travel. Enjoy …

What NOT To Say To a Writer During TV Staffing Season

Jessie Rosen - May 19, 2015

Well, L.A. (and some of New York), it’s that magical time of year again: TV writer staffing season aka hell week – or hell two weeks? No one really knows because network TV staffing season is like that weird flower that blooms for a day and smells like death. It’s called the amorphophallus titanium. I know that because I have to pretend to be looking …

7 Things You Must Do in Turkey

Jessie Rosen - May 12, 2015

I could write a thousand posts about my six day experience in Turkey (and I may over the years), but I thought it would be fun to take it from an angle of “can’t miss experiences.” If you’d like 30 INCREDIBLE PHOTOS to inspire you to book a flight, check out my friend Robert’s gorgeous site. If you’re looking for an AWESOME VIDEO to inspire …

The 7 Beautiful Domes of Turkey (that I saw)

Jessie Rosen - May 9, 2015

There is so much to say about this out of this world Turkish Airlines US Blogger trip to Turkey, but for now I only have the time and energy to say it in shots. Here are seven of my favorites – the many beautiful domes of the many beautiful religious structures between Istanbul, Konya, Cappadocia and Sille. More to come, I promise. For now off …

7 Shocking Facts About: Taxidermy

Jessie Rosen - April 23, 2015

…with my friend and L.A.’s hottest taxidermist: Allis Marham Allis is the owner of Prey Taxidermy studio in Downtown LA, a taxidermist at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles, and probably the only human pin-up model who would totally dominate should the world go full Mad Max.  Seriously, she’s the ultimate modern girl scout troop leader: she can throw her hair in victory rolls, …

7 Things That Helped Me Survive My First Novel

Jessie Rosen - April 10, 2015

Yesterday I finished my first novel. Eventually I’ll get into how it came to be that I wrote my first novel (still not sure), when the process started (31 years ago?) and how long the whole thing took (felt like five years and also five days), but for now I want to focus on how you can finish writing your first novel, too. Here are …