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Turns Out People Aren’t Hooking Up As Much As You Think They Are

admin - November 15, 2012

Katie passed me a link to this very interesting article yesterday afternoon. Here’s the gist: “Being intimate with multiple partners while in college has become so expected that it has become a stereotype. And, after a crazy weekend of partying, students love to gossip about who ‘hooked up’ with who.  But that’s not to say every college student is participating in risky sexual promiscuity. In …

Desperate House-girlfriends of Beverly Adjacent

admin - November 13, 2012

As you know I now spend my days as a sort of stay-at-home Mom minus the kids. I’d call myself a housewife, but that’s wildly un-PC, plus I’m not a wife. “Freelance writer” is technically the term, but that doesn’t get to the core of the 10,000 other things I feel obligated to do during the day on account of the fact that I’m home. …

Dating Advice for Baby Zadie

admin - October 23, 2012

One of my very best friends just gave birth to the very first baby among my set of very best friends. Her name is Zadie Patricia, and she is perfect. I know people say that about all babies, but they’re wrong. This baby is the most perfect baby of them all, and that’s a fact. After Zadie was born I got to thinking about dating …

How To Go On A Roadtrip (with your boyfriend, up the California Coast)

admin - October 17, 2012

A road trip is not just an affordable way to get from point A to point B while seeing various sights. It’s also a way to test the limits of your relationship inside a confined space while eating trail mix and listening to podcasts. R and I recently took the famously (and actually) awesome Route 1 up the California coast to our friends’ wedding outside …

This is NO Reason to Stay in a Relationship

admin - October 11, 2012

I know I’m supposed to be writing my super important script all week, but I’m taking a break from that to share an important story slash message. A few days ago I received an e-mail from a reader wondering whether or not to move on from a relationship. The details of her situation will of course remain private, but she mentioned something that made me …

New Website Decodes Confusing Male Texts

admin - October 9, 2012

Hey friends – I’m taking a break from formal posts this week to crank on a feature I’m writing, but in my absence I leave you with this GEM of a website from some geniuses who appear to be male. It’s as simple as the graphic suggests. You post his text, and the “bros” at HeTexted.com reply with the meaning. Why it’s taken this long …

My #1 Secret To A Successful Relationship

admin - October 2, 2012

Two years ago today R told me to be his girlfriend. It happened some time between 11pm and 1am on the night of my L.A. housewarming party. R claims that I was introducing him to everyone as, “the guy I’m dating,” and he wasn’t having that. He said something like, “Enough of this. We’re either together or we’re not.” I said something like, “I know…but …

How Long of a Distance is “Long Distance”

admin - September 27, 2012

When I hear that someone is in a long distance relationship, I assume that distance is from, say, LA to New York or Chicago to DC or Austin, Texas to Sydney, Australia (I actually “knew someone who”). I do not assume that distance is from, say, Silver Lake to Santa Monica or the Upper East Side to Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn or Clarendon, Virginia to downtown …