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I’ve Lost All Sense of Social Media Etiquette

Jessie Rosen - June 5, 2014

Lately I feel like the more social media we use the less social we actual are on that media. I don’t mean hiding from actual conversation in favor of text and tweets (though there’s obviously a ton of that going on too). I mean the degree to which old school, agreed-upon and obvious social etiquette falls by the wayside in favor of behavior that would …

What I’ll Be Like As a Wife

Jessie Rosen - May 23, 2014

As of two weeks ago tomorrow, I am a wife. It’s the latest in a short list of titles that define me, I decided this morning as I noticed the tan line that my wedding band has already created. I am a woman, a daughter, a sister and now a wife. Yes I’m also a friend, writer, feminist, democrat, Angeleno, New Yorker and person who …

How To Plan a Wedding in 14.5 Easy Steps

Jessie Rosen - May 2, 2014

(unrelated but !!! – this is the 900th 20-Nothings/30-Nothings post!)   This blog has always been about helping you navigate the tricky issues of life by sharing my own personal experience while trying to impress upon you just how much I love shoes (so so much you guys). For that reason I can’t let my own wedding approach (we’re within the 10 day weather forecast …

The Five Things Every Single Person Will Ask You When You Are Under a Month From Your Wedding

Jessie Rosen - April 15, 2014

Do you like how the closer I get to the wedding the shorter these list-based posts become? I’d promise that more thoughtful essays on marriage, life, career and even dating are on the horizon, but they’re probably not so let’s just all appreciate the fact that five bullet points now constitutes legitimate reading content and get back to our third set of 50 girl push …

Ten Things That Will Happen 2 Months Before Your Wedding

Jessie Rosen - March 10, 2014

Please forgive my absence last week. I’m getting married in exactly two months, and my brain is a combination of mush, rhinestone earring options, and numbers that don’t add up to our total budget. Oh, and the three scripts I’m supposed to be writing (which I am writing, if you are a person currently representing my career…). But seriously, now is a critical time in …

MangoInk: My #1 Wedding Stress Saviors

Jessie Rosen - February 17, 2014

I’m not lying when I say that our wedding planning was going very smoothly. There was some early anxiety around the selection of the venue, decisions around the guest list and realization about the astronomical costs of alcohol (I’m talking more than the cost of the food!), but aside from those typical wedding woes, it’s been smooth sailing. Until it came time to do the …

My Funny Valentine: Jana the Soviet-era Skin Doctor

Jessie Rosen - February 14, 2014

I never intended to fall in love with a 65-year-old Russian aesthetician who threatens my life every other week, but it happened none-the-less. I was just laying on the waxing table, half-folded paper robe draped over my who-ha, contemplating how the hell I was going to finish and book proposal and a feature film in 72 hours when the door opened behind me and a …

The Magnitude of What We Now Have To “Know”

Jessie Rosen - January 28, 2014

I’ve been avoiding writing this post all day because I don’t know what to say, and not knowing what to say makes me crazy uncomfortable. Someone once told me that the best thing to do in times of fuzziness is start with statements of truth. Write what do you know to be absolute fact. Don’t worry about the grey area.  Ok. I have some friends …