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Things To Be Thankful For, 2013 Edition

Jessie Rosen - November 28, 2013

I’m writing from the couch of our apartment in L.A. with pumpkin-spiced coffee in hand, a soon-to-be-smoked turkey marinading in the kitchen and R reading last week’s New York Times Sunday Review by my side. It’s 65 degrees outside, The Rockettes just did their thing they do so well, and in an hour I’ll be back on this coach watching the National Dog Show aka …

On Co-Working Spaces and Sexy Lingerie

Jessie Rosen - October 21, 2013

Oh man are you going to be excited slash weirded out when you see how those two topics come together! PART ONE: Last Thursday I joined my friend Ben at the co-working space where he spends his days. Ben runs his own company and, like many entrepreneurial 2.0 types, realized that he needed a place to focus on his to-dos and and bring his new …

Meet My New Idol: Compton Mayor Aja Brown

Jessie Rosen - October 11, 2013

via Jezebel I planned to write a whole post today about how disappointed, disillusioned and confused I am by our government. I was going to explain how infuriating it is to seek out honest answers about what’s going in Washington from multiple sources and still have no sense of the truth. I try to keep politics off this blog, but I am so sad and …

10 Things I Still Need To Remind Myself, at 30-Years-Old

Jessie Rosen - October 7, 2013

This post was born out of the 45 minutes I recently spent trying to get my newly straight hair (it literally just went straight after 29.5 years of being curly!!!) to curl properly using one of those curling rods every 12-year-old on YouTube seems to have mastered. Enjoy! The Top 10 Things I (Apparently) Still Need To Remind Myself …at 30 Years of Age  10. …

The Eight Month Wedding Slump

Jessie Rosen - September 25, 2013

(from ShowKnows.com) The last thing I wrote about my upcoming wedding was this list of the Top 10 Weirdest Things About Being Engaged and this way-too-long essay on how to find a wedding dress. Those were both written almost three months ago – a time when I was still totally and completely consumed with the planning process. I spent more hours per day than I’ll …

What Writing Freelance Fashion Articles Has Done To My Brain

Jessie Rosen - September 23, 2013

Like many writers of blogs and would-be TV shows, I too have a freelance writing gig. Mine is writing fashion reviews for an entertainment website. These are not to be confused with fashion culture pieces for the Sunday Styles section. My hard-hitting investigations have titles like, “Rack Report! Taylor Swift Showcases Some Unexpected Side-Boob!” And no, that’s not a fake example. My not-so-secret secret is …

This Blog In Voice Form: My Segment on Fortnight on the Internets Podcast

Jessie Rosen - September 19, 2013

There’s a fantastic website out there called Rumors On The Internets where you’ll find a fantastic podcast called Fortnights On The Internets, where you’ll find a brand new episode featuring my actual voice! Hosts Alpine, Alison and I talk about everything from why I almost stopped writing this blog (but didn’t) to whether or not I think our generation is lazy and entitled (which I …

There Is A Way To Find Out How “Many Eggs You Have Left”

Jessie Rosen - September 16, 2013

I’ve touched on the issue of infertility before – or rather fears of infertility. It was in this post about an episode of New Girl where CeCe finds out she has so few eggs left that she essentially needs to get pregnant yesterday if she wants to have kids. I wrote about being frustrated that the show didn’t explain the testing process for finding out …