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Peer pressure 2.0

admin - June 28, 2010

Katie and I were sitting on the terrace of her Upper West Side Summer sublet eating peppercorn jack and talking about someone. I can’t put my finger on who exactly, which is likely due to the sheer number of times Katie and I have been doing that exact same thing in different locations with different cheeses (none of which will ever compare to the “dipping …

What’s a vocation and where can I get one?

admin - June 14, 2010

I’ve never mentioned this, but for the past two years I’ve participated in a post-grad leadership-ish program for people who attended Jesuit universities. 12+ of us met once a month to discuss, study, and hear about different schools of thought around things like how to marry social and financial obligation, how to navigate a work environment that doesn’t support growth or individuality, or – most …

What I Learned At My 5 Year College Reunion

admin - June 7, 2010

To say that my friends and I have been preparing for 5 year college reunion since we left Boston College 5 years ago isn’t an exaggeration. It is a momentous occasion. So momentous that some people will fly to it from Chicago the day before their business school finals begin aanndd others will drive from South Boston at 8:30am just to be on campus the minute …

Guest Blogger: How could this have NOT grown into this? or what’s a hipster, and why were some of us destined to be one

admin - May 28, 2010

A few weeks ago my friend Zac and I were talking about what hipsters were, what they’ve become, and how I’m probably never going to be one. Bottom line – I don’t really understand it. Zac is a hipster, but of the authentic not purchased-on-St.-Mark’s variety, so I asked him to write us a little ditty about the meaning behind the moniker. On Hipsterdom: What …

Suburban Sabbatical: I’m no longer a single girl

admin - May 24, 2010

Humor me, if you will, and count the times in a typical week that you do something because you and you alone felt like doing it – watched two hours of DVR’d Addicted instead of cleaning your room, left the apartment at 10pm in search of Tasti D, walked to the grocery store to buy cheese in the middle of making a sandwich because any …

The last thing I ever want to see on television

admin - May 21, 2010

Yesterday morning I almost threw up all over myself (and my boss) at a packed event – and a mustard yellow spectator mary jane with a 5 inch wooden heel in not the kind of shoe you want to be running in, vomit-covered. My near-reputation-ending scene stems from the fact that there are three things that can happen on tv (or in a film slash …

Suburban Sabbatical: the justification game

admin - May 18, 2010

You want to really upset someone, forget to tell them that you moved out of the city and back in with your parents a 2-hour bus ride away… It’s not that I forgot to inform certain people, it’s more that I couldn’t get the full, well-rehearsed, why-I’m-doing-this speech into a text message or voicemail and e-mail seemed too I-think-this/I-am-important-enough-to-send-an-email. So in the absence of a …

More my so-called advice: The “today I loved” journal

admin - May 13, 2010

It’s not often that I write a piece offering an honest glimpse into a personal struggle that’s void of both sarcasm and issues involving “men” – but this most recent Lemondrop piece is just that. A little window into my own self-help solution to getting out of a major life rut. Though, according to my Mom, she invented this.. I am what people refer to …

You’ll get by with a little help from (the right) friends

admin - May 12, 2010

Listen, facts are facts and fact is you don’t have time to be friends with everyone. There’s TV to watch and cocktails to drink and second careers to plan. I know someone who commits upwards of an hour a week to a full check of her 767 Facebook friends so she can send as many “keep in touch” messages as possible. That is outrageous. My …

My So-called Advice: on saving money

admin - May 11, 2010

Here’s the latest in my contributions to Lemondrop (the all-things site for women’s lifestyles and issues): My Life on the Suze Orman Diet or, how a cash-only lifestyle can save you hundreds, in weeks. Remember cash? That green, waxy paper stuff that features one of several dead presidents or Ben Franklin? Well, for upwards of four years, I didn’t. Never carried it. Never used it. …