- “But he was so funny!”
- “But he was so successful, what did he have to be depressed about?”
- “Is everyone in Hollywood addicted to drugs?”
- “He had all the resources in the world, how could he not get help?”
- Or the oh-so-painful for his loved ones, “how did no one see this coming??”
- You can be funny and deeply depressed. They are not mutually exclusive.
- You can be successful and deeply depressed. Depression is a clinical condition, not a mood in response to life circumstance.
- Not everyone in Hollywood is a drug addict, but the unique pressures of the entertainment industry can challenge those with existing addiction problems.
- Depression and addiction are very solitary afflictions that leave someone unmotivated to help themselves.
- And finally, that is as impossible a question to answer as, “is my loved one going to commit suicide today?”
When I first saw Good Will Hunting I was wildly uncomfortable with that scene. Why does he have to say it so many times? Why does he have to get so close? Can’t he tell that Will gets it? It’s all just so awkward. Now I think it might be the most poignant moment I’ve seen in a movie.
People need to hear, “it’s not your fault,” again and again and again from as close as they’re willing to let you get. When you think it’s your fault, you think you have to fix it alone. If it is your fault, you assume it can’t ever get better while you’re still you. Neither is true.
Robin Williams is a celebrity, and an important one, but people are fighting addiction and depression every day, everywhere. Let’s use this moment to re-educate ourselves on the issues, reach out those in need or tell someone we are hurting. Here are just a few resources that have helped people I know:
- Suicide Prevention Hotline – http://www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org/
- AA – http://www.aa.org/ and Al Anon – http://www.al-anon.alateen.org/
- Students Against Depression – http://studentsagainstdepression.org/understand-depression/what-is-depression/am-i-depressed/
- In Los Angeles – Beit T’Shuvah – http://www.beittshuvah.org/treatment/
I think Robin would want us to think about all of that today instead of just Tweeting and Facebooking police reports and famous quotes. But I’ll also be spending some time remembering that the man was an absolute comedy genius who leaves behind an epic legacy. Here’s where I’ll start. How about you?
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Thank you.
Amazing post!!!
This was amazing to read. Thank you.
Robin Williams’ passing is a reminder that those who make us laugh the most are usually fighting the biggest demons.
Thank-you for the inspiring read!
True! We all don’t know the real reason why he did such thing but all we have to do is to respect him and salute him for his great contribution in showbiz industry. Great Post indeed! Thanks.