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When I knew I was an adult, and what that says about me

admin - March 28, 2011

–> I week or so ago I received an e-mail from a writer working on a new book about 20-something America – who we are as a set, how we differ from generations previous, what we want out of this phase in our lives. Her e-mail contained a long list of questions developed – I assume – to get a sense of who I am …

Who’s the crazy one here?

admin - March 24, 2011

I’m back in action after two wildly successful performances of THE HOOK-UP CONVERSATIONS: L.A. edition and one wildly consuming 24-hour stomach bug, which by some grace of god came one day after the shows. Today’s topic is inspired by a monologue that was performed in both the NY and LA versions of the HUC’s by my good friend Chris Jacobs. It’s a comedic piece about …

Guest Entry: How to behave on a first date, by R

admin - March 18, 2011

I’m going to be completely honest. This whole thing started because upon venting about how I’m struggling to stay a-float with real work and blog work and freelance work and The Hook-up Conversations R said, “what can I do to help” and I jokingly said, “write tomorrow’s blog post.” “I thought you’d never ask,” he said. And so began what I assumed would be the …

Shelf-girls and man-children: two terms for thought

admin - March 9, 2011

Shelf girls (n) – from the Latin meaning girls who inhabit a space most commonly used to store things (i.e. books, games)The first term was dropped over yesterday’s sushi lunch with my friend Andrea. We were talking about some relationship-related issue when Andrea let me in on her shelf girl theory. There’s nothing I love more than a succinct categorization for a frustrating interpersonal phenomenon …

The supply/demand economics of casual sex today

admin - March 7, 2011

This is going to be tricky because I never took economics and make it a point not to know anything about investing in the stock market. That said, when my friend Emily passed this Slate article along, my interest was instantly (and obviously) piqued. Sex Is Cheap: Why young men have the upper hand in bed,even when they’re failing in life. Mark Regnerus hits on …

L.A. 6 Months In: a city full of passion-players

admin - March 2, 2011

I was listening to a podcast in my car the other day because it’s the only distraction I’ve found that helps me avoid tearing all the skin off my body as I crawl home from work at 12 mph (literally. I live 12 miles from work and it can take me one, full hour to get home). On that particular night it was an episode …

Why Natalie Portman’s relationship may or may not end now that she’s a Best Actress Oscar-winner

admin - February 28, 2011

Now that the best-dressed lists have been assembled (Cate Blanchett in my book), awards pool winners decided (never vote what should win, always vote what will), and most clever food puns awarded (my Baked Jeff Brie-dges took the top prize!) there’s only one Oscar-related category left to wager – how soon before the Best Actress Winner gets divorced? Or in this case of this year’s …

What would happen if you actually said, “sorry, I won’t share a bed with you until we’re in a committed relationship.”

admin - February 25, 2011

I was thinking about Patti’s no-sharing-a-bed-until-you’re-in-a-committed-relationship policy the other day. That’s “Patti” as in Patti Stanger of Bravo’s Millionaire Matchmaker who famously demands that her “matches” do not engage in any hooking up before committing to a monogamous relationship. Kissing, touching, light-to-heavy petting is fine. But anything more is out, including sleep overs of any kind. Full disclosure – I’m of the belief that if …

What Makes or Breaks Your Relationship – according to 720,000 people

admin - February 22, 2011

So this is interesting. eHarmony – makers of ridiculous commercials and the successful matches that inspire them – has come out with a new study about what makes or breaks a relationship. The results come from questions that service asks during their “Guided Communication process” – online daters as asked to share their relationship “must-haves” and “can’t stands” with their matches. They analyzed what more …