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Jessie Rosen

Jessie Rosen resides physically in LA and mentally in NY. She writes scripts, books, articles, sex stories, branded content and killer e-mails.

7 Tips For Stress-Free Apartment Renting

Jessie Rosen - September 17, 2015

I was going to write an amazing post today about the fact that I drafted an entire Fantasy Football team with players that don’t have any domestic abuse record but then our bathroom overflowed with sewage for the second time this month, and I had to deal with that for several hours. Now I’m too exhausted and stressed to write anything except for this cautionary tale about …

Hump Day Help: Skin Dew, Message Movers, On Demand Sweat, Spray Paint

Jessie Rosen - September 16, 2015

Spreading some Hump Day Help again, this time in the form of four “products” that I’ve come to love. No money or gifts exchanged on these, just honest free advertising! Beauty Counter, Skin Dew My all-time favorite tinted moisturizer with SPF that’s light enough to wear all day but has enough coverage to serve as make-up. And better yet, all Beauty Counter products are made with the …

Why You (And I) Should Not Be Ashamed To Go To Therapy

Jessie Rosen - September 15, 2015

I just had a really positive experience working with a therapist, and I felt compelled to say that to all of you. I don’t think the details are that important. I have anxiety. I have frustration. I have issues, like any human. Mine were getting in the way of happy days, healthy relationships and good work. I didn’t like that one bit, so I decided …

Introducing My YA Novel!

Jessie Rosen - September 10, 2015

Today is a really exciting day. As I’ve hinted at for the past year and a half, I wrote a YA novel and to make matters even more exciting, the fine people at Full Fathom Five published it! Look! Here it is on their website! They included a picture of me (by the great Jenny Anderson) so you can be sure this is all true information. …

HUMP DAY HELP: IKEA hack, Fantasy save, Skinny Margs + Cat Eyes

Jessie Rosen - September 9, 2015

It’s Wednesday again which means four little gems to help you make it to Thursday, and hopefully beyond. Enjoy the latest items that I spend time Googling when I should be getting work done! Skinny Margaritas ala Cookie + Kate Delicious, simple, healthy and strong. Summer isn’t over until I say so, and with football weekends starting up I say screw the Sam Adams Fall Something and …

How To Avoid Buying Clothes You Absolutely Do Not Need

Jessie Rosen - September 3, 2015

On Tuesday I will begin a three month ban on purchases of clothing and accessories for the third time in my life. The first time I did it for an AOL article (that no longer exists). The second time I did it because my husband dared me. This time it’s one part will-power exercise, two-parts I-don’t-need-any-clothes and the rest because I’m working less freelance jobs right now to …

Ear Charms, Investing Ease, YA Reads & Caitlyn Jenner

Jessie Rosen - September 2, 2015

Back with another foursome of HUMP DAY HELP to get you through this mid-week slump. This time I’m happy to deliver a BONUS fifth piece of happy that comes in the form of a podcast featuring yours truly talking about Beverly Hills 90210. It delivers you a whopping 1.5 hours of procrastination time. You’re welcome. Here’s this week’s round-up 1. Social Butterfly’s Charmed Ear Hook This little piece …

How To Figure Out Exactly How Much Your Wedding Will Cost

Jessie Rosen - September 1, 2015

Yesterday I came across a Jezebel article from their wedding-themed blog I Thee Dread that left me frustrated. The post titled “Why Is It So Fucking Hard To Figure Out How Much A Wedding Will Cost” isn’t wrong. The wedding industry is notoriously sneaky about posting true costs; you can’t get very basic information on budget without a bunch of phone calls; and costs are always more …

Meals For The Week 8/31 Edition: Lentil-A-Roni, Gingered Carrot Salad, & Sesame Coconut Bars

Jessie Rosen - August 31, 2015

Another Sunday, another two hours of cooking to save me from ten hours of cooking and/or five meals out during the week. These latest meals for the week include the first ever attempt at a homemade granola bar (minus granola) and a bonus dessert recipe that was too long to fit into the title of the post. Enjoy! Share! And please start sending recipes! Gingered …