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Jessie Rosen

Jessie Rosen resides physically in LA and mentally in NY. She writes scripts, books, articles, sex stories, branded content and killer e-mails.

My 30 Minutes with William Zinsser

Jessie Rosen - May 14, 2015

10 years ago I had the incredible good fortune of sitting down with William Zinsser, author of “On Writing Well,” which sold 1.5 million copies. Zinsser wrote over a dozen other books, taught at Yale among other places, was a drama editor and a movie critic for The New York Herald Tribune and served as executive editor of the Book-of-the-Month Club. He passed away on …

7 Things You Must Do in Turkey

Jessie Rosen - May 12, 2015

I could write a thousand posts about my six day experience in Turkey (and I may over the years), but I thought it would be fun to take it from an angle of “can’t miss experiences.” If you’d like 30 INCREDIBLE PHOTOS to inspire you to book a flight, check out my friend Robert’s gorgeous site. If you’re looking for an AWESOME VIDEO to inspire …

12 Lessons for the First Year of Marriage

Jessie Rosen - May 10, 2015

Today is my one year wedding anniversary. 5/10/15. A lucky date palindrome! One down, infinity to go. Somewhere around month ten I started telling people that I would soon be celebrating my one-year wedding anniversary. Sorry. We would soon be celebrating. R gets equal billing in this show. Almost everyone had the same reaction: “Oh wow. Year one. Rough, right?” Wait. What? Not only was …

The 7 Beautiful Domes of Turkey (that I saw)

Jessie Rosen - May 9, 2015

There is so much to say about this out of this world Turkish Airlines US Blogger trip to Turkey, but for now I only have the time and energy to say it in shots. Here are seven of my favorites – the many beautiful domes of the many beautiful religious structures between Istanbul, Konya, Cappadocia and Sille. More to come, I promise. For now off …

10 Beautiful Images of Turkey

Jessie Rosen - May 6, 2015

(I lied. It’s technically 11 images including the featured image of the purple-lit Bosphorous Bridge. I am not sorry.) Today we spent over 10 hours making approximately 10 stops to see well over 10 of the most incredible sights I’ve laid eyes on in my life. The Blue Mosque, the Hagia Sophia, the Bosphorous Straight and so much more. I have endless things to say …

Baby’s First Business Class: Aboard Turkish Airlines

Jessie Rosen - May 5, 2015

Okay. Fine. Part of the reason I was so quick to jump at the opportunity to travel with Turkish Airlines is because the trip included a round-trip Business Class ticket, and I have never flown Business  — so much so that I had to ask if it was the same as First (it is!!). When my friend Katie – a frequent Business aka First Class …

My Top 7 Packing Hacks

Jessie Rosen - May 4, 2015

As you now know, I’m leaving for Turkey tomorrow as part of a group of writers invited to explore the nation and its namesake aviation, Turkish Airlines. Now felt like a good time to share my favorite solutions for small suitcase travel (as I literally have 3 more hours to pack…). Travel hacks have been covered time and time again, but here’s me throwing my …

The Older We Get The More Scared We Are?

Jessie Rosen - April 30, 2015

Yesterday I almost did something that my 25-year-old self would have beat me senseless over: I almost refused a free trip to Turkey. I had been hemming and hawing over this opportunity for weeks. The invite came through Turkish Airlines (Europe’s #1 airline, and no they did not pay me to say that; I’m just bragging). I found every reason to question it: it doesn’t …

Should You Scrub Your Social Media After a Break-up?

Jessie Rosen - April 28, 2015

I’ve decided to get a little Emily Post up in here considering there is no current Emily Post and she made it all up anyway. My first order of gauntlet throwing: the social media + break-up connection: what do you do with all those photos after the relationship is no more? I think we need to handle this on a case-by-case basis, which I’ve outlined …

7 Shocking Facts About: Taxidermy

Jessie Rosen - April 23, 2015

…with my friend and L.A.’s hottest taxidermist: Allis Marham Allis is the owner of Prey Taxidermy studio in Downtown LA, a taxidermist at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles, and probably the only human pin-up model who would totally dominate should the world go full Mad Max.  Seriously, she’s the ultimate modern girl scout troop leader: she can throw her hair in victory rolls, …