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My Number One, Life Changing Takeaway from the ESPY Awards

Jessie Rosen - July 17, 2014

Last night I got the very cool chance to attend the 2014 ESPY Awards because R is a professional athlete. Surprise! Kidding, though he was recently the first pick for a backyard volleyball game among a group of fairly athletic people.  I was at the ESPY’s because R’s business is doing business with the people who do the ESPY’s. I can’t share those details but …

I’ve Lost All Sense of Social Media Etiquette

Jessie Rosen - June 5, 2014

Lately I feel like the more social media we use the less social we actual are on that media. I don’t mean hiding from actual conversation in favor of text and tweets (though there’s obviously a ton of that going on too). I mean the degree to which old school, agreed-upon and obvious social etiquette falls by the wayside in favor of behavior that would …

Sorry. I Tried But I Can’t Stay Silent on This Lena Dunham/Jezebel/Vogue Photos Issue

Jessie Rosen - January 17, 2014

You guys. I’m so confused by this Lena Dunham/Vogue cover story/Jezebel/everyone on Facebook situation. Here’s what I believe went down: Vogue photoshopped their pix of Lena to make her look “better” than her natural self (skinner neck, skinnier waist, covered-up boobs, etc.) Jezebel offered 10K for the original shots, got them, and published them with disappointed/angry commentary (“Lena Dunham and her fans, ourselves included, love …

What Are We Supposed To Do About the Way Women’s Magazines Treat Women?

Jessie Rosen - December 13, 2013

This isn’t the first article I’ve ever read about a celebrity being airbrushed into a unrealistic, unachievable alien. It’s not even the first time I’ve read about Jennifer Lawrence – a refreshing example of a more normal-sized human – being subjected to the treatment. I write about celebrity fashion for a (current) living. I’m well aware of the drill. But for some reason this specific …

Is Marriage a Given Anymore?

Jessie Rosen - November 20, 2013

*No. I will not be bedazzling the bottom of my wedding shoes A few weeks ago I had a general meeting that started the way most of my meetings start lately. The person on the comfy chair opposite my comfy chair said, “so, what’s going on in your life?” to which I replied, “well, I’m getting married in May, so mostly that.” Then that person …