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How Registering For Wedding Gifts Is Nothing Like Shopping for Shoes

admin - May 14, 2013

Registering was one of the things I was most looking forward to about being engaged. I think it’s one of the things everyone is most looking forward to about being engaged. How could you not be excited about a 100X-the-gifts-Christmas in which you pick every single item…using a super neat-o electronic gun? Add to that the fact that shopping is among the things I do …

Big News: College Kids Are Totally Over Hooking Up

admin - May 9, 2013

…sort of. College kids are “sort of” totally over hooking up. It’s kinda like how they feel about Vera Bradley bags. It’s like, “enough already,” but also they’re pretty reliable and everyone has one, so… This topic came up thanks to an article Chicago reader Laura sent my way (thanks LL!). Why College Students Don’t Like Hooking Up As Much As You Think I hadn’t …

Is a Happy Ending technically cheating?

admin - April 23, 2013

I can’t believe I’m asking this question…on a blog that my Mom reads. I also can’t believe I don’t instantly know the answer. Back story (to prevent your imaginations from running wild…): The other day I was reading a friend’s script that included a scene featuring a man receiving a Happy Ending (which I assume we capitalize?). Later in the script his girlfriend finds out …

How To Be The Most Tolerable Couple On The Block

admin - April 11, 2013

For not the first time in recent history, R and I were referred to as a couple that single people can tolerate being around. Yes, #humblebrag, but I like to think it counts less since I called it on myself and since I’m about to deliver you some well-researched information. What’s that? Still counts the same? Yeah, you’re right. Regardless, I wanted to know what …

Fostering Elliott: The first 72 Hours with a Dog

admin - April 2, 2013

On Saturday afternoon Elliott arrived for his trial run as our dog. We knew it was a big risk taking him in for a week of fostering. Elliott has spent the first year of his life living with a hoarder (as in the terrifying A&E show), so he’s socialized to dogs (because he lived with 35 of them…) but terrified of people (because he only …

My Theory On How Everyone Suddenly Found Someone To Get Engaged To

admin - February 19, 2013

Over the past three months, seven people that I personally know have gotten engaged. Prior to these past three months, I hadn’t even been to seven weddings. It is completely out of control. Not that I didn’t expect this exact mass influx of engagements to strike right around the time of my 30th birthday. I’ve been anticipating it for the whole of my late 20s. …

The Best Love Lesson I Never Realized I Needed to Learn

admin - February 14, 2013

It is Valentine’s Day, and so I feel inclined to share a little something I’ve learned about love. This, like so many love lessons, is one I’m embarrassed to admit that I didn’t understand for a very long time. Actually, it’s worse than that, I didn’t even know that I didn’t understand it. I didn’t know it was missing from my knowledge base at all. …

The Bedroom is the Mission Control of the Relationship

admin - January 31, 2013

Sometimes when I haven’t come up with an idea for a blog post the next day I’ll go to bed thinking about it, hoping to will myself to dream something genius, and sometimes it actually works! I will wake up, and in those moments of snoozing before I’ve actually committed to being awake, the idea will surface. The problem is, it’s rarely genius. It’s rarely …