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Why I Procrastinate, I Now Know

Jessie Rosen - September 18, 2014

I, like every single writer I know, am a horrible procrastinator. Here, in no particular order, are the ways in which I procrastinate: I scroll through Instagram I scroll through Facebook I scroll through Twitter I scroll through Pinterest I check the Cheat Sheet on The Daily Beast I try to do a loose side braid I try to do a perfect top knot I …

#HumpDayHappy: Meet Louie!

Jessie Rosen - September 17, 2014

As of Saturday afternoon, R and I will be puppy parents. We survived eight days in a car together directly after our wedding. Now it’s time to put this brand new marriage to an even bigger test! Louie (formerly Gouda) is one of “The Cheeze Wiz Kids” born to a poodle/schnauzer mix named Poodalini. Our good friends Carley and Chelsea helped their mom Roz raised …

The Top 5 Ways People Find This Blog Will Shock You

Jessie Rosen - September 16, 2014

Every once in awhile I take a look at the analytics for this site to see how it’s doing numbers wise and find out where people are reading (hello Iceland!). I use Google Analytics because it is free and incredibly easy to set up, so easy that I didn’t know I already had it working for three years! This time I scrolled down a little …

Progress After Four Years in Los Angeles

Jessie Rosen - September 11, 2014

my street. #sorrynotsorry Labor Day marked my Fourth L.A.nniversary, and I totally forgot. Year one was ironically celebrated in New York. Year two I made a big fuss and organized a Cliche LA Staycation Day. I have no idea what I did year three, but I do remember remembering. Then this year came and went without so much as a, “how ’bout that!” Maybe you …

Behind The Red Carpet of the Emmy Awards (Literally Because They Make The Real People Walk Behind It)

Jessie Rosen - August 26, 2014

I’m excited! Everyone else is on the phone. There are two ways that you can get yourself to the Emmy Awards. You can be nominated, you can be invited or you can be married to someone who is either of the two. You could also be the mother/brother/daughter/friend of someone nominated or invited but I went the marriage route, and it’s really paying off. Two …

How Many of the “49 Life Skills Every Modern Woman Should Have” Do I?

Jessie Rosen - August 21, 2014

Ah the Internet… What would we do without you? Certainly not know which Disney Princess, city, Taylor Swift song or Friday Night Lights character we are, and, apparently, whether or not we’re modern women! Considering I am a woman alive right now and not spending my days churning butter, I thought I’d put myself to this very important HuffPost test. It’s times like these that …

I Chronically Cry on Airplanes

Jessie Rosen - August 19, 2014

image source I cry when I’m on an airplane. It doesn’t happen every time. It never happens on a red eye, for example, when every opportunity for miserable, uncomfortable sleep must be fully maximized. It doesn’t happen when I’m flying with other people, unless they’re fully asleep or deep in the action movie they can finally watch now that I don’t have movie theater veto …

The One Phrase I Hope We All Learn from Robin Williams

Jessie Rosen - August 12, 2014

I lost yet another hero yesterday. Robin Williams was responsible for 90% of the belly laughing I did as a child, and the other 10% just goes to my dad doing Mrs. Doubtfire impressions. My two favorite movies in the world are Good Will Hunting and Hook. I could quote you all of Mrs. Doubtfire right now, and yes I am including the part in …

My 31st Year of Life Curriculum

Jessie Rosen - August 7, 2014

wildly bummed that I’m not wearing that dress tonight… Today is my birthday and the seventh time I’ve written a post on this blog about that fact. That’s seven years of trying to find something meaningful and wise to say after another 365 days of life. A few days before my birthday, I always re-read every post from age 25 until today. I like to …

What I Learned From My Three Month Shopping Ban

Jessie Rosen - August 5, 2014

Don’t ever say the following to your husband of ten days as you stand inside the walk-in closet you painstakingly cleaned for five hours: Wow. I have so many clothes. I could go months without shopping.  Because then he’ll say this: Yeah right. And you’ll say: No really! I can, and I will.  And then he’ll say: Prove it.  And then you’ll say: FINE! And …