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Thoughts on 30 From Two Wise, Wise Sources

admin - February 5, 2013

(thank you Celine Geiger for today’s blog inspiration) Thursday is my 1/2 birthday, specifically the last 1/2 birthday before I turn 30. So six months from this Thursday, my 20s will be over. Thank god it’ll be in the 70s and sunny when this will happens upon me.  I am working on figuring out my feelings about this fairly momentous milestone, but in the meantime …

Ways L.A. Has Changed Me

admin - January 29, 2013

I had a lovely conversation with a recent L.A. import last night. She was concerned about all the typical things recent L.A. imports worry about: will I meet normal people? will I find work? if I don’t find work, will I want to leave? But then she asked me something that struck me as far more mature than the things most recent L.A. imports – …

Resolutions 2.Oh…

admin - January 8, 2013

Happy Holidays, Happy New Year, and a very Happy-The-Mayans-Were-Wrong to you all.  I took a nice, long break over the past three weeks to visit with family and friends on the East Coast, but now I’m back in L.A. action with my new year’s resolutions in tow. I, like many over-achieving over-planners with a mild to medium case of OCD LOVE New Year’s resolutions. When …

All I Want For Christmas: 2012 Edition

admin - December 13, 2012

Aside from world peace, a healthy 2013, and a puppy for R (that I magically don’t have to walk!), here is what I would like to receive in commemoration for a day that is in no way my birthday. (Apologies in advance to the people who have already purchased my 2012 Christmas gifts. I forgot this blog post was a “tradition” until I couldn’t think …

The How-Many-Good-Eggs-Do-I-Have-Left? Freak Out

admin - November 29, 2012

Last night’s episode of NEW GIRL was called “Eggs” (baby, not breakfast-maker variety), and it raised an important/scary issue that many women approaching their 30s experience. Can you tell me how many viable eggs I have left?  Or, in the words we actually mean, can you tell me exactly  how soon I need to start thinking about having a baby?  SPOILER ALERT: Jess and CeCe …

Annual List of Thanks: 2012 Edition

admin - November 22, 2012

Hello from my first Los Angeles Thanksgiving. The turkey is the smoker (that one up there. It’s R’s masterpiece), the apple fritter is in my belly (my fave way to start a holiday day), and I’m nestled in to watch the mini bits of Broadway during the parade (slash wait for the Rockettes. I used to want to be a Rockette. I sort of still …

Desperate House-girlfriends of Beverly Adjacent

admin - November 13, 2012

As you know I now spend my days as a sort of stay-at-home Mom minus the kids. I’d call myself a housewife, but that’s wildly un-PC, plus I’m not a wife. “Freelance writer” is technically the term, but that doesn’t get to the core of the 10,000 other things I feel obligated to do during the day on account of the fact that I’m home. …

Today Is The Last Day Of My Current Life

admin - November 1, 2012

…dramatic, but true.  As of tomorrow, I am officially/finally/hopefully forever, a full time writer.   GOD it feels good to type that. For the past two years I have worked nine to five, six, and sometimes ten as the Director of Branded Entertainment at a LA-based production company. Before that I was a branded content producer at a NYC-based media agency, and right after college …