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4 Pieces of Advice I Gave An Aspiring Writer/Performer

Jessie Rosen - February 7, 2017

Yesterday I chatted with an aspiring writer/performer about how the hell she’s going to become a successful writer/performer. This motivated, passionate, go-getter went to my alma mater, Boston College (so very sorry Matt Ryan…). She found her way to me through my sister who was in her same a cappella group that has an alumni network she used to ask if anyone could help her …

How Toni Morrison is a Writer & You Can Be Anything

Jessie Rosen - January 30, 2017

I caught an NPR interview with novelist Toni Morrison as I was driving home yesterday. Did you know that Toni Morrison – the Nobel Prize, Pulitzer Prize and Presidential Medal of Freedom winning writer (among a million other awards) did not start writing until she was 39 years old?! Also her real name is Chloe but it accidentally changed to Toni, which is short for …

mary tyler moore

What Mary Means To Me

Jessie Rosen - January 26, 2017

Last night I watched a few episodes of The Dick Van Dyke Show, in honor of Mary Tyler Moore. You can watch old episodes on Hulu, if you have Hulu, which I recommend you get so you can watch old episodes of The Dick Van Dyke Show. I didn’t search for episodes of The Mary Tyler Moore Show, even though that’s technically more Mary. I didn’t look to see where I …

Can You Be Pro-Life and Pro Woman?

Jessie Rosen - January 24, 2017

An interesting controversy arose out of the Women’s March activities this past weekend. Maybe you heard? At least one pro-life women’s groups was ousted from being an official partner because Women’s March leadership felt their position on reproductive rights wasn’t in line with the march mission. Here’s an article from The Atlantic about pro-lifers marching.  It was written prior to the group (from what I’ve read it was …

learning to read

Teaching Myself To Read, Again

Jessie Rosen - January 16, 2017

So in a pretty bummer turn of events, I no longer know how to read. Words, yes. Sentences, for the most part. But full paragraphs, an article, a book – no way. This may seem surprising slash impossible because I am a writer. I deal in words all day every day, on purpose and for money. But I can’t read those either which proves this isn’t …

korean spa

Korean Spa Body Scrubs: An Act Of Female Empowerment

Jessie Rosen - January 13, 2017

How familiar are you with the Korean Spa system/process/universe? It’s impossible to describe but here’s me trying in a piece I wrote about my first experience. The title is How The Naked Spa Changed My Clothed Life. Bold statement, and apparently easily reversed. Turns out body confidence fleets because I wrote the below post yesterday AM after my Wednesday night spa sesh. So, once more, here …

Why I Didn’t Watch The Final Obama Speech

Jessie Rosen - January 12, 2017

I wrote this yesterday AM but then my WordPress crashed so I figured God was punishing me but then I remembered that Trump is president so if there is a God and he/she is wasting time on my blog right now we’ve got bigger problems.  [Photo source: the beautiful Aurelm.com] — I was at dinner last night when President Barak Obama addressed the nation for …

How To Be a Human, According To My Puppy

Jessie Rosen - January 10, 2017

I don’t have a ton of experience with dogs but I’m still pretty sure that mine is a human. When I was young we had a family dog named Sugar. She was an Australian Shepherd/Red Bone Hound mix that my Dad got when he was in college. From what I remember she was always very dog-like. She spent time outside by herself doing dog things – …


Why Do Some People Not Know How To Dream?

Jessie Rosen - January 6, 2017

Yesterday I heard someone say something that’s going to stay with me for a very long time. I was in the living room of my friend Suzee Dunne (who is also my dog’s mother-in-law, long story) recording a podcast for her site/brand/movement ACT LIKE A GIRL. The podcast co-host is a warm and hysterical comedian named Tracie Walker who was wearing a lace-up maybe body suit in …