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My 32nd Birthday Post: On Knowing My Now

Jessie Rosen - August 7, 2015

A few weeks ago I walked into a dinner party, confirmed to the host that yes, I would like a cocktail and was met with this: “Guess she’s not pregnant yet!” It wasn’t the first time. Since getting married over a year ago I’ve lost count of the number of people who’ve asked when are you going to start trying? how many do you think you’ll have? or my …

7 Self Improvement Tips for 30-Somethings

Jessie Rosen - August 4, 2015

It’s my birthday week, and I’m not sure how I feel about that fact. On the one hand I’m healthy, happy, and further along in most aspects of life than I was one year ago (but to be clear still can’t avoid gorging on a cheese plate). On the other hand I’m constantly striving to do/be/write/life/save/eat better because I am a perfectionist and a borderline yuppie (but …

How To Handle Fear: According To My Puppy

Jessie Rosen - July 28, 2015

Our puppy Louie turned one on Sunday. He attended a paw-ty with all six dogs from his original litter and his momma hosted at the house where she was fostered after she was found abandoned, pregnant. I didn’t cry, which is a god-damned miracle. Raising Louie from eight weeks old has been a struggle and a joy. It challenged R and my relationship, then made …

Why I Support the Adult-Only Wedding

Jessie Rosen - July 7, 2015

I love a good Internet controversy, and this week we have one that’s right up my alley: is the adult-only wedding invite totally rude or totally appropriate? Chaunie Brusie over at YourTango.com (because, “it takes two to tango” but screw that? I’m not sure) says rude in her piece on the matter. Though she very much enjoys a no-kids wedding, Chaunie has kids (by choice, we assume) …

The Secret To Fixing Your Screenplay: Get It A Therapist

Jessie Rosen - June 25, 2015

A note on therapy: I am a major advocate for therapy. I have personally experienced the benefits and know countless others who would boast the same. I view therapy as an opportunity to understand myself better with the help of a professional that knows how the brain works. More on all that some other time. A note on screenplays: I am a major advocate for character …

The Easiest Vacation Money Saving Tip In The World

Jessie Rosen - June 23, 2015

I have uncovered the easiest vacation money saving tip around, and I’m already using it to get myself to Thailand ASAP (with R, if he continues to play along). Dramatic, I know, but I stand by my statement. Of course by “uncovered” I mean that one Ashley Feinstein of the blog The Fiscal Femme and website Knowing Your Worth told me how to do it. I …