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What Exactly Is Sunday Night Sex Talks?

Jessie Rosen - July 30, 2015

It’s been awhile since I’ve talked about (slash shamelessly promoted) my storytelling series, SUNDAY NIGHT SEX TALKS. So much so that I’ve recently had a few people ask, “what exactly is Sunday Night Sex Talks?” People I know… In four sentences: Sunday Night Sex Talks is the L.A. based storytelling show that I founded in 2012. It started as a night of true tales held at Bar …

7 Tips for Enhancing Your Blog

Jessie Rosen - July 23, 2015

Kudos to Tessa Trainor of the blog You & I for being the first person to e-mail me following my How To Start A Blog in 7 Easy Steps post. She wins the gift of 7 Tips for Enhancing Your Blog – for her specific blog. Sorry Tessa. I know public constructive criticism is a terrible prize, but you’re doing a beautiful public service with this. …

How (And Why) To Make a Short Film: starring Amy Heidt

Jessie Rosen - July 14, 2015

Today we’re taking a dive into the wonderful/stressful/overwhelming/gratifying world of short film making with a Q&A featuring my friend Amy Heidt – the talented writer/director behind the recent short film THE LAST ONES and upcoming short film THE WAITRESS, which just started its Kick Starter campaign. Confession: I have always wanted to write and direct a short film but am wildly intimidated by the process. I …

How To Start A Blog in 7 Easy Steps

Jessie Rosen - July 9, 2015

The #1 e-mail I receive goes something like this: I want to start a blog, but I don’t know where to begin. Any tips for how to get going? My advice is the same every single time, so I thought I’d finally formalize those recommended steps into a little post. Before diving in I just want to say that I think starting a blog is the …

How I (Try To) Achieve a Work/Life Balance

Jessie Rosen - June 30, 2015

A few weeks ago I posted The Balance Project interview of writer Cindy Chupack. Today, thanks to novelest and Balance Project honcho Susie Orman Schnall, I’m publishing my own answers to those same questions of how to achieve a work/life balance – or at least how to start trying. The answer I’m proudest of:  What do you wish you’d known when you were 20? That there is …

The Secret To Fixing Your Screenplay: Get It A Therapist

Jessie Rosen - June 25, 2015

A note on therapy: I am a major advocate for therapy. I have personally experienced the benefits and know countless others who would boast the same. I view therapy as an opportunity to understand myself better with the help of a professional that knows how the brain works. More on all that some other time. A note on screenplays: I am a major advocate for character …

How To Volunteer (And Why)

Jessie Rosen - June 17, 2015

  A few weeks ago I spent an hour talking to some incredible little ones about my life as a writer. I made a little powerpoint, wore a little professional outfit and was a little nervous. They did not seem to notice. It was that greatest thing I’ve done with 60 minutes in a very long time (also I got Dominos pizza and a whole lesson on …

What NOT To Say To a Writer During TV Staffing Season

Jessie Rosen - May 19, 2015

Well, L.A. (and some of New York), it’s that magical time of year again: TV writer staffing season aka hell week – or hell two weeks? No one really knows because network TV staffing season is like that weird flower that blooms for a day and smells like death. It’s called the amorphophallus titanium. I know that because I have to pretend to be looking …

Introducing: 20-Nothings 3.0!

Jessie Rosen - April 9, 2015

HAPPY 1,000th POSTS TO ME. CHECK OUT MY CONGRATS GIFT! I am incredibly thrilled to introduce the all new look, feel and functionality of 20-Nothings.com! Thanks to the incredible team at Stephanie Todaro Design (lead by the incredible Stephanie Todaro), I was able to put all my hopes and Pinterest board visions into this cleaner, brighter, easier to navigate site. The future fun will be …