This morning I finally went through the full Fall TV shows schedule so that I could properly DVR all my programming, so that I could work my Class Pass schedule around my TV viewing schedule, so that I know exactly which nights I can walk to Mainland Poke on 3rd Street for dinner. I thought you might be interested to know so that we can blog/tweet/’gram/complain about it together – or in case you’re on my exact same life schedule.
9:30pm The Last Man On Earth on FOX
I will watch every episode of this brilliant show by the brilliant team that brought us the brilliant and TOTALLY OSCAR SNUBBED Lego Movie, and I recommend you do the same.
8:00pm Crazy Ex-Girlfriend on The CW because it is the brain child of my friend and Sunday Night Sex Talks performer Rachel Bloom and I am rooting for that insanely hard-working woman with all I’ve got!
8:30pm Life in Pieces on CBS with the hopes that I will love it because I love 99% of the cast. Some people are calling this a Modern Family rip off. I don’t think it would kill us to have more shows as good as Modern Family on the air, so I’ll give it a shot. But wow is that cast white…
Note: I will not watch The Voice because I’m taking a break from The Voice because the person I want to win never wins…
8:00pm The Muppets on ABC but I am devastated to say that I didn’t love the first episode. Something is weird about Miss Piggy’s voice, and I didn’t laugh as much as I thought I would based on the preview clips. That said The Muppets are very important to television history, and we should all give this a shot.
8:30pm The Grinder on Fox. Rob Lowe would be enough but Rob Lowe and Fred Savage is a gift. Also the concept is hysterical. Guy’s uber famous TV lawyer brother goes to work helping him with real law. Sells in the room every time!
10:00pm Limitless on CBS. Confession, R’s company is involved in this show, but I would watch it anyway because the lead is outstanding and the concept is incredibly fun. Watches like a one-hour movie. It also gives me New York lust…
10:00pm Code Black on CBS. See above re: R’s work BUT ALSO my friend Harry Ford plays Doctor Angus Leighton. I’ve known that Harry would be a star from the first minute I saw him act and seeing that dream come true for him is magic. Congrats Harry!
9:00pm Empire on Fox
At the risk of over-selling I’ll just say that I don’t know what you’re doing with your life if it isn’t watching Empire on Wednesday nights, but I would re-think it. Marisa Tomei people!! (She guest stars. You would know that if you were already making the right decision and watching this show).
This may be hard to believe, but I don’t watch any Thursday night television. I fell out of Grey’s Anatomy, never got into Scandal and wasn’t in love with How To Get Away with Murder. As far as I know based on advertising, those are the only shows on this day of the week.
We’ll talk mid-season premieres once it’s time. And I’ve obviously left my Netflix, Amazon, Hulu and all cable networks out of this write-up. Just know I’m watching everything everyone else is watching. Also, I want to be watching You’re The Worst on FX, but I haven’t found the time and can’t say it’s looking promising. What do you think? Is it a must see? And any other opinions at that?
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