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The Sex on the Third Date Debate

March 9, 2016

Remembering My Poppop: My Modern-day Buddha

March 9, 2016

Why I’m Voting for Hillary Clinton Because She’s a Woman

March 9, 2016

I’ve been debating writing this post for weeks. I’ve grown less and less outwardly political on account of the more and more vicious back lash that bloggers can receive for their opinions. But that negates the entire point of being a writer, as far as I’m concerned, so I’ve decided to be brave.

I am a Hillary Clinton support. I support her because I am a Democrat, because I believe she is the most qualified candidate, and because she is a woman.

To me those are separate issues with separate importance.

Issue one: Hillary is a Democrat.

As a Democrat I will always vote for the Democratic nominee because I want a democrat in the White House. During the primary process I vote for my favorite democrat. During the general election I vote for the one we’ve got because it is more important to me that I have a democrat in the White House than my ideal democrat in the White House. That’s that.

Issue two: Hillary is the most qualified candidate.

I don’t view this as hyperbole. I’m not going to list those qualification because you either know them or can read them online. Line all that experience up with everyone in the field – on both sides – and everyone who has run in recent history, and she’s still the most qualified. Yes, she has made errors. Yes, Bernie Sanders is a wonderful candidate with a strong platform, much of which I agree with. I believe Hillary is in a better position to serve as president on account of her experience. And that’s that.

Issue three: Hillary is a woman.

Here’s where things get trickier. Issue #3 is currently issue #3 because of issues #1 and #2. If Hillary was a Republican and a woman, I wouldn’t vote for her because she is a Republican.

But what if Hillary was not the most qualified candidate, but still a woman? What if Hillary was still Hillary but Bernie Sanders was hands-down more qualified? Or, in an ironic twist of history, what if Hillary was Barak Obama and Barak was Hillary eight years ago? We can use the actual ’08 primary as the exact example. What if Barak had all the qualifications of Hillary at that point, and she, his?

I would still vote for Hillary because she is a woman.

But that’s not logical! But that’s not right! But that’s not FEMINISM! But that’s gender bias! But that’s man-hating! But &*%$! you, you %&*$!

I get it, but I don’t care. Here’s why:

It is more important for me, personally, to have a woman in the White House than the absolute most qualified candidate. Now to be completely and totally clear, I would not vote for a bad candidate just because she was a woman. “Bad” is subjective, but I’m saying I would still carefully weigh the qualifications and evaluate the potential dangers involved in that person taking office. There is a line, of course. I would not sacrifice the safety or strength of our entire nation just to have a woman in the White House. But if I felt secure in the candidate serving as president then I would vote for the woman.

I believe that this country needs a woman in our highest office. I think men need it. I know women need it. And I believe that children need it most. It will be empowering to women across this country at a time when I believe they need to be empowered. When our reproductive rights are still under attack. When verbal, sexual and physical abuse remains rampant. As child care coverage, STEM worker drop out rates and the equal pay conversations continue. I spent the first eight years of my career working in branding, marketing and advertising. I know the power of an image on the brain. The image of a woman in the White House will be deeply powerful.

That is why Hillary’s gender takes weight in my thoughts about voting.

I remember being blown away by interviews with members of the African America community following President Obama’s election eight years ago. One 20-something guy being interviewed in the middle of Time’s Square said something that has stuck with me all these years. I’m paraphrasing because I can’t remember the exact quote, but the spirit was, “I didn’t know that I thought of myself as less or less deserving until tonight. When they said he was the winner I thought, it must be a mistake; we can’t have this. Now I know we can have anything.”

In the back and sometimes front of my mind I have thought of myself as less or less deserving because I am a woman – because of the way women are treated in this country and the world. I hope future generations of women don’t have that same experience, and I believe a female president will help.

I appreciate you sharing any disagreement in a respectful manner.


  1. Completely agree! I feel that Hillary is easily the best candidate in this election. #ImWithHer

  2. Completely agree! I feel that Hillary is easily the best candidate in this election. #ImWithHer

  3. #ImWithHer for all of the reasons you eloquently stated. I respect the hell out of how Bernie has campaigned. I also find him charming and the principles he stands for engaging… But he’s not realistic. Hilary gets it and gets how to get things done from a congressional and international level. That’s important.

  4. I’m not certain that the President–whoever it is–will be able to significantly shift our trajectory. It’s just not how our government was built. So even though Clinton’s connections and some of her record make me uncomfortable, I’m with her for all the reasons you laid out. The importance of a female President cannot be overstated.

  5. I’m not certain that the President–whoever it is–will be able to significantly shift our trajectory. It’s just not how our government was built. So even though Clinton’s connections and some of her record make me uncomfortable, I’m with her for all the reasons you laid out. The importance of a female President cannot be overstated.

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