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Jessie Rosen

Jessie Rosen resides physically in LA and mentally in NY. She writes scripts, books, articles, sex stories, branded content and killer e-mails.

7 Reasons It’s Not Worth It To Get Drunk in Your 30s

Jessie Rosen - August 27, 2015

On Tuesday night R and I were talking about our Saturday night plans. We’re going to what should be a very fun party. It’s at a lovely house with a fun theme and great people. There is rumored to be a taco truck. “I really want to driink at that party,” I said to R as we walked Louie around the block. “Yeah?!” he replied, seemingly game. …

Gold Nails, Greeting Cards, Late Night Safety + Vegan Cheese

Jessie Rosen - August 26, 2015

New series! Two things have been going on lately. 1. I’ve been slugging through my Wednesdays more so than usual. There’s a lot of work on my plate, and that makes Wednesday feel more brutal than usual. 2. I have been receiving some great e-mails regarding products to test out and and share. Sometimes I’ll include those here, and I’ll always specify that they were …

How To Recover From Being Lonely: According to My Puppy

Jessie Rosen - August 25, 2015

Last month Louie helped us overcome fear with a story about barking at real estate signs. This month he’s back at it with a little habit he’s developed to sooth himself after being lonely that does not involve a dry Savingnon Blanc. I don’t know who’s son this dog is, but I’m impressed with his style. When we brought Louie home at eight weeks old he …

My Tragic Flaw Confession: I Need To Nap

Jessie Rosen - August 20, 2015

(perfect photo via Mommas Gone City) Confession: I need to nap roughly four out of seven days a week. Bigger confession: I feel wildly guilty about this need to nap and pretend like it doesn’t happen. Yesterday I said, out loud, to my dog, “SShh, we need to nap for a bit but don’t tell anyone.” This is a problem for a number of reasons but let’s focus on …

7 Questions about How To Be a Novelist: with Stephanie Clifford

Jessie Rosen - August 18, 2015

As you may know from the thousand blog posts I’ve written on the topic (see below for links!), my first novel is WRITTEN and coming out very, very soon. Many more details to come on that exciting development, but in the meantime I thought I’d support my colleague the talented Stephanie Clifford on her fantastic debut novel Everybody Rise – a fun and twisty tale of high society …

Meals for the Week 8/16 Edition: Kale & Squash Salad, Roasted Tofu Stir-Fry, Vegan Caesar Dressing

Jessie Rosen - August 17, 2015

Back in action after a few weeks off the Sunday “meals for the week” cooking wagon. I will confess that I was in a very anti-cooking mood after coming home from a lovely weekend away in Dana Point, but I hunkered down enough to listen to R’s recipe suggestions (all the while saying, “I don’t know…I’m not hungry…I don’t want to cook”), slugged over to …

7 Things Left on my Summer in LA List

Jessie Rosen - August 13, 2015

Despite the fact that I don’t go to school, work at a school or live in a place where there are other seasons, I still feel the call of Fall making days shorter and ankle boots more appealing. These past few months have been a whirlwind of guests and travel so I haven’t found the time to do some of the favorite activities that always …

The First Fart vs. The First “I Love You”

Jessie Rosen - August 11, 2015

Warning: this is a filthy post, and you are going to be uncomfortable, but that’s the whole point so just deal with it. Years ago R and I had the most significant conversation of our entire relationship: “Ugh,” R said as he sat on the couch after a rich dinner somewhere. “That was rough on my stomach.” “Yeah?” I said. “You don’t have a bad stomach …

My 32nd Birthday Post: On Knowing My Now

Jessie Rosen - August 7, 2015

A few weeks ago I walked into a dinner party, confirmed to the host that yes, I would like a cocktail and was met with this: “Guess she’s not pregnant yet!” It wasn’t the first time. Since getting married over a year ago I’ve lost count of the number of people who’ve asked when are you going to start trying? how many do you think you’ll have? or my …