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Jessie Rosen

Jessie Rosen resides physically in LA and mentally in NY. She writes scripts, books, articles, sex stories, branded content and killer e-mails.

20-Nothings Travels: #LoveFL in Miami at the iHeart Radio Ultimate Pool Party

Jessie Rosen - June 28, 2014

from my fancy hotel room My not so little #honeymoonacrossamerica gave me a not so little travel bug. Luckily some new friends at VISIT FLORIDA offered me the chance to take a second one, solo, but still. Hello from the insane Fontainebleau Miami Beach where I’m experiencing all that Miami/Florida has to offer in the form of the insane iHeartRadio Ultimate Pool Party. Iggy Azalea …

How To Make Friends As An Adult + My Trip To Sunny Florida!

Jessie Rosen - June 26, 2014

Tomorrow I leave for the very incredible opportunity to experience the iHeartRadio Ultimate Pool Party in Miami Florida (at the very incredible Fontainebleau Miami Beach). My trip is sponsored by VISIT FLORIDA, a group entrusting me to bring the journey from my laptop to your living room (slash iPhone) in as vivid detail as my bullet-point recaps can bring. Much like the #honeymoonacrossamerica, you can …

My Top Ten Life Hacks

Jessie Rosen - June 24, 2014

I recently started working on a new freelance assignment focused on giving health, beauty, and fitness guidance to teenaged girls. It’s an adorable series of videos that feature step-by-step instruction on everything from “how to tell if you’re more than friends” to “how to make a bow tie hair clip.” (preparing the youth of America for any and all challenges they may face). One part …

The Roughest 72 Hours Of My Marriage, Thus Far

Jessie Rosen - June 19, 2014

Two Tuesdays ago R decided that we were moving. I had suffered through one too many days spent trying to get work done at our kitchen table in our hot apartment that sits directly below the world’s heaviest footed bichon frises and their owner, a 60-year-old recent heart attack survivor who seems to be a employed to scream at video games. And R had suffered …

How To Get Out of A Rut, I Hope

Jessie Rosen - June 17, 2014

I feel like everyone I know is in a rut. I should specify that I mostly know TV writers who did not staff this TV staffing season, so my “everyone” is pretty specific. I should also specify that by “in a rut” I mean that they’re frustrated, bummed, confused, stalled. No one is threatening to leave the business. No one has stayed in bed for …

How The Baby-sitters Club Made Me a Business Woman, And Your Chance To See the Old Shows For Free!

Jessie Rosen - June 12, 2014

I was obsessed with The Baby-sitter’s Club as a kid. Not as obsessed as my cousin Geanna who read every book backward and forward, twice, but I was obsessed because she was obsessed so she gets bragging rights over her degree of obsession. TBC featured a super cool Asian character (Claudia) with an edgy attitude about life, just like my cousin Geanna, and a Caucasian …

Why I’m Not Changing My Name, I Think

Jessie Rosen - June 10, 2014

I’m not changing my name…as in my last name…as in to R’s last name because we just got married. When people ask me if I’m changing my name (which usually comes after they ask me how the wedding was but before they ask me when we’re going to have kids), I say, “no,” and then, “I’m way too famous for that,” which is a not …

I’ve Lost All Sense of Social Media Etiquette

Jessie Rosen - June 5, 2014

Lately I feel like the more social media we use the less social we actual are on that media. I don’t mean hiding from actual conversation in favor of text and tweets (though there’s obviously a ton of that going on too). I mean the degree to which old school, agreed-upon and obvious social etiquette falls by the wayside in favor of behavior that would …

Things I Learned at the June LA Sunday Night Sex Talks

Jessie Rosen - June 2, 2014

It’s been a bit since I shared secrets from the vault that is Sunday Night Sex Talks, but after last night’s raucous show in which I laughed and cried during two of the four performances, I thought it best to bring back the series. The June LA show featured tales of Pleasant and Unpleasant Sexual Surprises, so you can only imagine what that prompted in …