I was really affected by the most recent shooting spree near Santa Barbara. The first coverage I saw of the tragedy was that wildly powerful speech given by the devastated father of a victim. The second thing I saw was the original YouTube video that the killer posted (now removed). It was all so chilling, again. It gets more and more chilling every time. I …
What I’ll Be Like As a Wife
As of two weeks ago tomorrow, I am a wife. It’s the latest in a short list of titles that define me, I decided this morning as I noticed the tan line that my wedding band has already created. I am a woman, a daughter, a sister and now a wife. Yes I’m also a friend, writer, feminist, democrat, Angeleno, New Yorker and person who …
Honeymoon Across America: Days 7 & 8
I didn’t write on the technical 7th day of our trip because I was too busy doing absolutely (but drinking Parker Cooladas) at The Parker pool. Then I didn’t write on the technical 8th day of our trip because I was too busy recovering from doing absolutely nothing (but drinking Parker Cooladas, and dirty martinis, and free red wine, and EATING SMORES) at The Parker …
Honeymoon Across America: Day 6
I have seen the Grand Canyon, and I will never be the same. I have also eaten ribs from the Singing Pig in Williams, Arizona and feel similarly about that experience. We’re a bit behind again today because we left Williams aka the Gateway to the Grand Canyon around 6am so we could make it to our final destination, the Parker in Palm Springs, with …
Honeymoon Across America: Day 5
This post is a day late because we got to Williams, AZ late last night and woke up early for a massive day at the Massive Canyon (which started with a “Western Show” around 9AM). More on that tomorrow, but today it’s all about New Mexico, which might be my favorite part of the trip to date, and as you know I really loved Little …
Honeymoon Across America: Day 4
We have officially reached the half-way mark of our eight day journey. If we had more underwear and the satellite radio stations played more variety, we’d keep going for another few weeks. This. has. been. incredible. Day 4 highlights include the OKC Memorial, terrifying road-side ghost towns and SO MANY SOUVENIRS! And as a bonus, we still like each other! DAY FOUR Oklahoma City, OK …
Honeymoon Across America: Day 3
Today’s headline: 12 hours is too long to drive in one day. We remain blissful newlyweds but we’re looking a lot rougher than we did on our wedding day. From here on out pictures will be taken from very far away. DAY THREE Nashville, TN —-> Oklahoma City, OK DETOURS Graceland! Beale Street Street, Downtown Memphis for Blues City Cafe ribs Little Rock, Arkansas for …
Honeymoon Across America: Day 2
R and I continue to be both married and on a cross-country road trip, which are two things worth celebrating! We weren’t sure what could take Day One’s visit to the largest mini village in the world, but day two brought its A game ending up our favorite day yet. Here’s why. DAY TWO Charleston, WV —-> Nashville, TN DETOURS Kentucky Horse Park Buffalo …
Honeymoon Across America: Day 1
On Saturday R and I got married, which you know because I wrote a post about it at 6:30am that day like a lunatic. But just for fun, here’s a shot to prove it! It was the most incredible day of my life to date, but I’ll reflect more on that in later writings. Right now we have packed our two day old marriage into …
Today Is My Wedding Day, and I Feel…
photo credit: avia rosen …every single emotion in the canon of emotions that can be felt, plus a few brand news ones that I’m sure I invented this morning around 6AM when I sprang out of bed. And yet, I’m oddly calm and peaceful right now. It’s before the day has officially begun. I’m sitting in a gorgeous hotel room in an impeccably-restored Inn, in …