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Jessie Rosen

Jessie Rosen resides physically in LA and mentally in NY. She writes scripts, books, articles, sex stories, branded content and killer e-mails.


Why I’m Furious With Alicia Keys And My Husband

Jessie Rosen - November 2, 2016

I spent all last week furious with Grammy-winning recording artist Alicia Keys and my husband (R) – for the same reason.   No. They didn’t have an affair. If R had an affair with Alicia Keys I would be deeply sad but also very impressed and somewhat jealous. It would be an incredibly conflicted emotional time in my life. Right now I’m not conflicted, I’m mad.   …

My Hero Before Hillary: Mrs. Nancy Wallace

Jessie Rosen - October 26, 2016

I’ve been thinking a lot about heroes lately – what it means to be one, what it means to have one and who a few of mine have been. Yes, it’s this endless election that triggered the thought. But it isn’t because a hero of mine is leaving the White House and another is very likely entering. It’s because a hero gave me my love …

birth of a nation

What Fox Searchlight’s ‘Birth of a Nation’ Buy Says About Rape Culture

Jessie Rosen - October 12, 2016

Is Fox Searchlight’s Blindness to Nate Parker’s Film Fall the Real Problem?     I’ve been struck over the past few months by the story surrounding Nate Parker‘s film The Birth of a Nation. If you’re unfamiliar here are the key elements: Actor/director/writer Nate Parker made a film called The Birth of A Nation (which he wrote, directed and stars in) The film sold at this year’s Sundance film festival for …

hillary clinton amanda knox

How (I Believe) Hillary Clinton is (Similar To) Amanda Knox

Jessie Rosen - October 5, 2016

Part I: Foxy Knoxy   Last Friday night R and I watched the Amanda Knox documentary on Netflix. I have admittedly been obsessed with this case since it broke. I too studied abroad in Italy and am almost the same age as Amanda. In many way this truly could have been me straight down to the diary of steamy stories. I went into the documentary with an …

new york dog walking

7 Things The Kids In New York Are Doing

Jessie Rosen - September 28, 2016

[photo: peter lindberg for vogue, but if you’re a New Yorker you knew that]   I’m just back in Los Angeles after a week in New York, city. I used to just call it “the city” because that’s the east coast way, but now I have to specify because I am a defector. I spent many of my days in New York City running around …

what do you need

Why You Need To Make a List of What You Need

Jessie Rosen - September 15, 2016

A few weeks ago my therapist asked me what I feel like I need.   It’s a weird question out of context. Not what do you need for this session? Or what do you need to get through this work week? or what do you need to really feel like your wardrobe is complete? (solid brown leather belt, black cashmere crew neck). Just what do you feel like you need? We talk a …

I Am An Artist, Dammit! …Unless You’re Asking Me

Jessie Rosen - August 24, 2016

It recently dawned on a new section of my brain that I might be an artist.   Well, I shouldn’t say new section. It’s more like a section that didn’t previously hold this truth to be self evident: that I spend most days coming up with ideas in my head that I then turn into words on some form of page – that this pretty …