What’s the correlation between violence in America, and men? It’s been a very challenging two weeks in America. For days last week my social media feed filled with Stanford rape victim news – which is horrific. Then it shifted to the infamous Donald Trump on women ad – which is disgusting – it’s own form of violence. Then, news that a favorite Voice contestant of mine …
The Difference Between Sex & Intimacy
What I learned about sex hosting a group date on The Bachelorette. Three months ago I stood in front of 12 of the most attractive men I’ve ever seen and told them that they needed to talk about sex…in public. It was one part of my long and wild day hosting a group date on ABC’s The Bachelorette. Their task was to give a …
Next Monday night, June 6th, my show SUNDAY NIGHT SEX TALKS will be featured as a segment on ABC’s The Bachelorette. All will be revealed in the episode, but for now I can say that Bachelorette JoJo Fletcher (aka a human god woman) brings the men of The Bachelorette to a special Sex Talks show and major drama ensues. I feel like this begs the …
Brutally Honest Advice for Writers
I oddly always use Summer as a time to get a massive chunk of work done. It’s the start of development season for network television here in Los Angeles; the days are longer meaning more sunlight to convince me it’s not time to stop working, and – the real reason – I didn’t get a staff writing job on a network television show so I’m …
Is My Most Important Career Choice My Husband?
Last month I finally read Sheryl Sandberg’s book Lean In. I’m embarrassed to admit it was last month and not when it came out four years ago because I listened to the negative press instead of making my own evaluation. Shame on me because I missed out on years of having a more gender-informed perspective on the working world that might have changed a lot of the ways I …
How To Learn How To Relax
Last month I bought a 30-day trial to a new drop-in meditation den in an effort to relax a little more. It was a difficult winter. I needed to – as the kids don’t say – take a chill pill. The meditation classes were lovely, as was the dimly-lit, delicious-smelling space. They had really fancy pillows for your legs and back. It was right next to …
How To Explain TV Staffing Season To Your Loved Ones
Hello and Happy network TV staffing season to you all! If you know what that means then my thoughts and prayers are with you during this horrific time of year. If you don’t, then this post is for you. Writers: feel free to use this mock conversation as a guide to explaining your life. Others: feel free to use this mock conversation as motivation to …
Marriage Mistake: I Fought With My Husband Instead Of My Actual Opponent
A few weeks ago I had a frustration about a business situation that prompted a marriage mistake that became a teaching moment that is now a blog post. The details aren’t important. Bottom line: I needed to stand up for myself, but I was afraid of being a squeaky wheel. Stay-tuned for an upcoming novella on me versus squeaky wheel syndrome. For now just know that I have …
10 Things To Do After 9:00pm When You’re 32-Years-Old
Image via weirdomatic.com A few Friday nights ago R and I had no idea what to do with ourselves. We’re taking a break from booze on account of an upcoming beach vacay, it’s past holiday party season and pre summer patio party season, and this is that weird valley of time between every Oscar movie being in theaters and Zootopia winning the box office. And so …
Remembering My Poppop: My Modern-day Buddha
Last week we lost my Poppop. I say we lost him and not “he passed” or “he died” because it feels like he went missing. Six weeks ago he was driving to my parents’ house for Sunday dinner and TV watching (football when it was football season, DVR’ed So You Think You Can Dance when my sisters could sneak it in). Three months ago he …