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Meals For The Week 8/31 Edition: Lentil-A-Roni, Gingered Carrot Salad, & Sesame Coconut Bars

Jessie Rosen - August 31, 2015

Another Sunday, another two hours of cooking to save me from ten hours of cooking and/or five meals out during the week. These latest meals for the week include the first ever attempt at a homemade granola bar (minus granola) and a bonus dessert recipe that was too long to fit into the title of the post. Enjoy! Share! And please start sending recipes! Gingered …

Meals for the Week 8/16 Edition: Kale & Squash Salad, Roasted Tofu Stir-Fry, Vegan Caesar Dressing

Jessie Rosen - August 17, 2015

Back in action after a few weeks off the Sunday “meals for the week” cooking wagon. I will confess that I was in a very anti-cooking mood after coming home from a lovely weekend away in Dana Point, but I hunkered down enough to listen to R’s recipe suggestions (all the while saying, “I don’t know…I’m not hungry…I don’t want to cook”), slugged over to …