Hi! You’ve reached my (beloved) former blog. Come find me & my current work at JessieRosen.com


Hello from NOW

Jessie Rosen - August 24, 2021

It has been almost five years since I officially closed shop on this blog after its decade-long run. I’ve missed writing here so much some days that I consider starting it up again. On others I’m relieved to be able to focus on other ventures, and adventures. But in case you’re finding yourself here at 20-Nothings.com for the very first time, I wanted to be …

The 35th Birthday Freak Out

Jessie Rosen - August 8, 2018

Six months ago I was freaked out about turning 35. Mid-thirties. Five years to forty. The age at which any pregnancy becomes a geriatric pregnancy. And so I did what I do when a freak out of any variety sets in: I made an action plan. I would spend the next six months working to finally and fully resolve all the gastrointestinal issues that have …

Thank You and Goodbye…For Now

Jessie Rosen - December 8, 2017

Ten years ago I was a 24-year-old girl living in a 4th-floor hovel in New York, New York. I had a job, but it wasn’t going to be my career. I had a guy, but he wasn’t going to be my one. And I had the perfect group of friends, but none of us knew what the hell we were doing. I felt lost. I felt …

Why I’m Quitting Being a Blogger So That I Can Be a Writer

Jessie Rosen - December 6, 2017

I started this blog for three reasons: 1.Because Pierson told me to start this blog. We were gchatting and emailing to no end about all the confusions of post-college life and he said, we should start a blog. For the record I said, I don’t know if that’s a good idea… And then a day later, But if we’re starting this blog then it has to be called 20-Nothings.  …

Why You Should Start a Blog, and Keep it for 10 Years

Jessie Rosen - December 4, 2017

  There are very few things I can recommend that you do with absolute and complete certainty that I am right. I recommend that you make a budget for your wedding. I recommend that you moisturize your skin even if you feel like you already have oily skin. I recommend that you do not get into 5K worth of credit card debt your first year …

The Beginning of The End of The Blog

Jessie Rosen - November 13, 2017

December 8th marks the 10th birthday of this blog, my blog. I’ve decided it will also be the last official day of posting. After a full decade of writing, it’s time for this chapter to come to an end. Why?  Because 10 years is an amount of time that makes me incredibly proud. Because new creative projects have become important to me, like focusing more …

RIP AOL IM, and thanks

Jessie Rosen - October 17, 2017

Sometime in the spring of my freshman year of high school I sat down with the big glossary of musical terms that we kept in the living room and started the search for the perfect AOL AIM screen name. [Was it called a screen name? Hey, what’s your screen name? Or. Hey, what’s your IM name? That sounds more like it, but I can’t 100% …

Why I Did My Daily Free Writing Once In Four Days

Jessie Rosen - September 26, 2017

It is Tuesday. Last Thursday I set out to free write daily until Monday. On Friday I woke up, did my morning routine (walk dog, pour coffee, don’t drink coffee until it’s too cold to drink, wash face and apply 37 lotions) and head to a cafe. I putzed around (1920’s term for went on Facebook) for 30 or so minutes and then opened a document …

Issue #1: I Never Free Write

Jessie Rosen - September 21, 2017

This is going to be bad. This is going to make me a hypocrite to the now hundreds of students I’ve taught blogging over the course of my years working with Writing Pad. I’m going to ease into the confession (that’s already in the headline of this post) with a story about how I figured it out. Yesterday I read a little of Anne Lamott’s Bird …

Where Have I Been?

Jessie Rosen - September 20, 2017

It has been a long time since I’ve written a blog post – the longest time ever, actually. For the past few weeks, I’ve been trying to figure out why it’s been so long, while the number of lacking posts ticks up and up and up. Last week I woke up at 6:30 to get a nice, early start on writing something just like what …