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Things To Be Thankful For 2014 Edition

Jessie Rosen - November 27, 2014

Another year, another incredible list of things that make the third Thursday of the month more than just an excuse to eat a piece of every single dessert available and none of the veggies. This year has been especially full of joy. Here’s what I very specifically thankful for: FaceTime! – Now that I’ve entered the 21st century with the iPhone 6 I can actually …

French People Don’t Get Stressed

Jessie Rosen - November 20, 2014

I was chatting with a friend this morning about stress – how much I have…why I have so much…where exactly it lives in my stomach…how soon I’m bound to pop and ulcer… The things you talk about over most 9am coffee conversations. But this friend is smarter than most friends. “This reminds me of how Americans deal with medicine versus the French,” she said. “In …

The Five Things I Tell Everyone To Do After They Move to LA to Be a Writer

Jessie Rosen - November 6, 2014

I like to pay it forward by having coffee/lunch/drinks/mani-pedis with family friends or acquaintances who’ve recently moved to L.A. (but mostly mani-pedis). Really kind people did the same thing for me when I first made the transition, and it’s literally the least I can do considering I have no jobs or ins at hotel roof pools to offer. There is little rhyme or reason to …

My Super Strange Addiction Confession

Jessie Rosen - November 4, 2014

I was channel surfing (do people still say/do that?) during my self-granted, 1/2 hour lunch break yesterday when I stumbled upon a re-run of TLC’s My Strange Addiction. It was the episode where people want to be Barbie dolls (literally), which in the grand scheme of My Strange Addiction episodes is not all that weird (one girl eats rocks, guys), but I still sat there …

#HumpDayHappy: Jennifer Garner said, “No one asks Ben about work-family balance”

Jessie Rosen - October 22, 2014

Remember how much you loved Jennifer Garner in 13 Going on 30 and/or Alias and/or Juno? Well she’s even better in real life. Today’s little ray of sunshine goes out to this mother of three who happens to be married to Batman. Not only is she taking on more interesting roles than ever (Dallas Buyers Club, Men Women & Children), but she’s talking smack about …

#HumpDayHappy: I’m Make-up Free Thanks to Rodan + Fields

Jessie Rosen - October 15, 2014

show-fresh selfie If there is anything that makes me more uncomfortable than endorsing products it’s sharing pictures of myself without make-up. In fact this will mark the first time I have ever shown my face void of paint in a public forum (unless we’re counting slumber parties, but even then I was known to sneak inside the bathroom before the other girls were awake to …

10 Things To Expect The First Week With a Puppy

Jessie Rosen - October 2, 2014

There are countless books on dog training that come in handy the week you bring a puppy into your life. R and I have used Cesar Millan’s How To Raise the Perfect Dog (though How To Raise a Pretty Good Dog and Stay Sane would be even more appreciated), but they all say pretty much the same stuff. And yet no book offers a list …

Letting Go of “Perfect” For A Puppy

Jessie Rosen - September 26, 2014

This piece was written for submission to The Huffington Post and Chevrolet Malibu’s new section Moments Not Milestones which is dedicated to finding the beauty in the here and now, and broadening our definition of an “ideal life.” Their mission is to open their readers’ eyes to the amazing things we can experience when we let go of the notion of “perfection.” Here is my …