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Why I’m Afraid to Learn How to Play the Guitar

Jessie Rosen - July 31, 2014

this is how you hold this thing, right? Tomorrow I will take my very first guitar lesson. Well, technically I took one guitar lesson a year and a half ago for a video series my friend was shooting about trying out new skills. That pre-lesson prompted R to get me a guitar for my 30th birthday (last August) and guitar lessons for Christmas (last December).  …

21 Things I Wish I Knew About Alcohol on my 21st Birthday

Jessie Rosen - July 24, 2014

Remember this above all. Image source. In less than two weeks my littlest sister, Alex, will turn 21. [Yes, very close to my birthday. Five stars for careful reading, reader!] Like me, she will ring in her ability to legally drink alcohol on the Jersey Shore with college friends, high school friends and our parents. Unlike me, she will not consume nine shots at the …

(Most Of) My Massive List of Wedding Advice (Finally)

Jessie Rosen - July 15, 2014

Annie’s sweet little blog header! It took two months of marriage and a push from fellow blogger Annie over at the fantastic Altar-ed to make me finally get this long list of wedding planning advice down on Internet (what is paper?). To help me even more, the newly engaged Annie sent an incredibly comprehensive set of questions, and I just typed my answers into the …

How To Make Friends As An Adult + My Trip To Sunny Florida!

Jessie Rosen - June 26, 2014

Tomorrow I leave for the very incredible opportunity to experience the iHeartRadio Ultimate Pool Party in Miami Florida (at the very incredible Fontainebleau Miami Beach). My trip is sponsored by VISIT FLORIDA, a group entrusting me to bring the journey from my laptop to your living room (slash iPhone) in as vivid detail as my bullet-point recaps can bring. Much like the #honeymoonacrossamerica, you can …

My Top Ten Life Hacks

Jessie Rosen - June 24, 2014

I recently started working on a new freelance assignment focused on giving health, beauty, and fitness guidance to teenaged girls. It’s an adorable series of videos that feature step-by-step instruction on everything from “how to tell if you’re more than friends” to “how to make a bow tie hair clip.” (preparing the youth of America for any and all challenges they may face). One part …

How To Get Out of A Rut, I Hope

Jessie Rosen - June 17, 2014

I feel like everyone I know is in a rut. I should specify that I mostly know TV writers who did not staff this TV staffing season, so my “everyone” is pretty specific. I should also specify that by “in a rut” I mean that they’re frustrated, bummed, confused, stalled. No one is threatening to leave the business. No one has stayed in bed for …

How The Baby-sitters Club Made Me a Business Woman, And Your Chance To See the Old Shows For Free!

Jessie Rosen - June 12, 2014

I was obsessed with The Baby-sitter’s Club as a kid. Not as obsessed as my cousin Geanna who read every book backward and forward, twice, but I was obsessed because she was obsessed so she gets bragging rights over her degree of obsession. TBC featured a super cool Asian character (Claudia) with an edgy attitude about life, just like my cousin Geanna, and a Caucasian …

Why I’m Not Changing My Name, I Think

Jessie Rosen - June 10, 2014

I’m not changing my name…as in my last name…as in to R’s last name because we just got married. When people ask me if I’m changing my name (which usually comes after they ask me how the wedding was but before they ask me when we’re going to have kids), I say, “no,” and then, “I’m way too famous for that,” which is a not …