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Whose Wedding Is It Anyway?

Jessie Rosen - June 18, 2013

(I had not idea this was an actual show on Style Network, but I’m grateful for the logo) If you are currently or have ever planned a wedding in which you are the one getting married, then you’ve definitely passionately exclaimed the line: it’s my wedding! Maybe it was followed by, “I know you want a mariachi band, but…” or, “I understand you’d prefer that …

Bonus Post: Current Plans For My Future Rich Old Lady Self

Jessie Rosen - June 17, 2013

I intend to be a rich old lady some day. This isn’t a necessity – a, “life isn’t worth living unless you’re living large,” thing, but I don’t think it makes logical sense to aspire to be a poor, old lady, so I’m channeling my positive thinking toward a future filled with success. So in an effort to “secret” my way into said success, I …

How The Naked Spa Changed My Clothed Life

Jessie Rosen - June 11, 2013

If you’ve lived in L.A. for any longer than 6 month and are a woman, you’ve heard of the “naked spas.” Thanks to our city’s very large and active Korea Town there is a very large and active Korean population, and as I now know, Koreans respect the spa like no one else – well, like no one else but the women of L.A. Less …

Posts #800: The Last Hundred Mark Before The End

Jessie Rosen - June 4, 2013

I’ve written 800 posts on this here blog. Well, technically I’ve written 799 and am currently writing the 800th. I’m sure there are other things I’ve done 800 times in my life (bought a coffee? pretended to understand baseball? tried to make orange-red lipstick work?), but this feels like it might be the most significant. Maybe it’s because I have a visual account of it …

How Pinterest is Saving Slash Ruining My Wedding

admin - May 30, 2013

You guys know Pinterest, right? The online image-board hub where you now spend 75% of your procrastination time? Then you probably know that Pinterest has a Wedding category, right? The place where the life-long DIY challenged go to fool themselves into thinking they can build their own photo booth using cardboard, smelly markers and fishing wire? Well since getting engaged I’ve come to LOVE and …

How Registering For Wedding Gifts Is Nothing Like Shopping for Shoes

admin - May 14, 2013

Registering was one of the things I was most looking forward to about being engaged. I think it’s one of the things everyone is most looking forward to about being engaged. How could you not be excited about a 100X-the-gifts-Christmas in which you pick every single item…using a super neat-o electronic gun? Add to that the fact that shopping is among the things I do …

I Now Know The Meaning of “Wedding Brain”

admin - May 7, 2013

I sat down to write this blog post at 10AM…last Thursday. I was going to write about the top ten things that happen after you get engaged, but then I typed, “you realize that venues book up for Spring weddings faster than you can find venues to book for your Spring wedding, ” and panicked about booking a venue for my Spring wedding then spent …

Guest Post: The Day My City Shut Down and I Turned 30

admin - April 25, 2013

I’m pleased and proud to share this guest post from my friend Liz Adams – a Boston-raised BC grad who turned 30 on a day that held more meaning than she could have ever imagined.  Enjoy! –> It was the end to a week that terrorized my home town. It was a day I don’t think any Bostonian will forget. It was also the day …

For Boston, For Boston, We Sing Our Proud Refrain

admin - April 16, 2013

I celebrated four Marathon Mondays in my four years at Boston College, and they were among the four greatest days of my entire college life. It’s not just the celebration of such impressive athleticism from so many diverse people. It’s not all the good spirit resulting from the thousands of causes those thousands of runners support. It’s not just the sound of deafening cheering from …