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What I Learned By Saying Goodbye to Elliott

admin - April 9, 2013

The accidental ear flip. My absolute favorite Elliott look. We said goodbye to Elliott on Saturday, and it was hands down the hardest moment of our relationship. I remember thinking about tough moments the weekend that I moved into R’s place. It was, ironically, one year ago to the day that we returned Elliott to the adoption group. All my things were strewn about the …

Fostering Elliott: The first 72 Hours with a Dog

admin - April 2, 2013

On Saturday afternoon Elliott arrived for his trial run as our dog. We knew it was a big risk taking him in for a week of fostering. Elliott has spent the first year of his life living with a hoarder (as in the terrifying A&E show), so he’s socialized to dogs (because he lived with 35 of them…) but terrified of people (because he only …

What Happens When You Realize Your Dream Isn’t Your Dream Anymore?

admin - March 28, 2013

Nellie and I were talking about turning 30 as we finished up a delightful dinner with girlfriends last night. I can’t remember exactly how the conversation went because I have one just like it twice a week these days (though, no convo tops a Nellie convo), but I remember it turned to the idea of following your dreams. Nellie is an actress – among so …

A 9:30pm weeknight concert invite today versus five years ago

admin - March 12, 2013

R’s good friend invited us to a concert last night. The day was Monday. The show didn’t start until 9:45, which really means 10:00 because nothing cool ever actually starts on time. The venue is about fifteen minutes from our house, so not far but not so close that we can’t not go. We’ve seen the band before, but they’re fantastic, as is this friend, …

My Review of Jillian Michael’s 30 Day Shred

admin - February 26, 2013

Note: I am not in any way affiliated with Jillian Michaels, nor have I been paid to write this post. I am just a good Samaritan who didn’t have anything else to write about today. I don’t like to exercise because it is hard, and I hate the way my hair looks when I sweat. That said, I recently picked up my very dusty Jillian …

Delayed Oscar Pun Dish Post

admin - February 26, 2013

I’m delayed in posting this because it didn’t turn out quite like it was expected. I made my Baked Brie-st of the Southern Wild. I cut many different sizes and shapes of brie cheeses into the shape of a giant boar. I wrapped that boar shape in way too much Pillsbury crescent roll dough. I added the features of the animal in 3-D using even …

House Guests are a Precursor to Parenting

admin - February 12, 2013

Last week R and I hosted my cousin Derek for his week-long L.A. adventure. Derek was most recently in Seoul, Korea where he taught English and did voice over work. He decided to stop in L.A. on his way home to the East coast to get a feel for the city. A few things you should know: R and I love hosting people. I think …

Today is my 29.5

admin - February 7, 2013

Today is my half birthday! That’s what I yelled in R’s face around 7AM, one second after my alarm went off. Then I said, “Don’t worry, I won’t go nuts and buy myself any special clothes or anything,” and he looked at me like, yeah right. I don’t usually celebrate half birthdays, but for reasons I’ve now written about extensively, this one seems like it’s …