This project started as a place to share what I was experiencing as a confused post-grad in a big, expensive city (again, because my friend Matt made me do it). I didn’t have an ulterior motive; I just needed somewhere to write. And then somehow it became the catalyst for almost every major change in my life from that point – truly. I can track everything from my first script and first literary manager to my move to Los Angeles and my husband to this blog. Today it continues to fuel my creativity and serve as a place that I always return to find my voice as a writer. I owe everything to this little space on the world wide web.
And so I thought I’d give the blog a little 1,000th post congrats gift – a full and complete re-design.
It’s way past time to take 20/30-Nothings into the 21st century. New logo. New look. Far better functionality, readability, and shareability (this is a word?). I’ll also be introducing new features and ways to connect. And, most importantly, there will be really cool colors involved.
I’ll be off-line for a week or so until the transformation is complete, but after that it’s right back to work. Until then, please enjoy some back-log reading of my personal blog superlatives.
And really, truly, THANK YOU. I think that a writer without an audience is technically still a writer, but it’s really so nice to have you.
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It’s srsly killing me that the links on this page are broken. Did you do that on purpose just to mess with me?!
Fixed @angelabushman:disqus! Sorry about that!