New series!
Two things have been going on lately. 1. I’ve been slugging through my Wednesdays more so than usual. There’s a lot of work on my plate, and that makes Wednesday feel more brutal than usual. 2. I have been receiving some great e-mails regarding products to test out and and share. Sometimes I’ll include those here, and I’ll always specify that they were gifts.
So here’s a few things to help you procrastinate with purpose on this extra long, extra hard day of the week.
Enjoy, and as I say with every new series – here’s hoping I keep up with this…
#1 Paula Abdul’s Gold Foil Nails
Inspired by the nails I saw on the one-and-only Paula Abdul during this week’s taping of So You Think You Can Dance which I was insanely lucky to attend. #TeamGabby #TeamJaJa #TeamCatsHairstylist
#2 Kelly Crouton’s Gourmet Cheezy Parm
R and I found this crazy delicious stuff at a Farmer’s Market in Dana Point two weekends ago and bought it after half a taste. Perfect for vegans or the dairy free. Is Kelly’s last name really Crouton? God I hope so…
#3 The genius Companion Safety App
My friend Ally Hord first introduced me to this app that makes it easier for you to feel safe walking home alone at night with a clever alerting-a-contact system. Check it out and pass it on.
#4 Frank & Funny Greeting cards
I recently received an awesome bundle of goodies from the fine folks at Compendium – a paper products and gift company. Among them were these hysterical cards from the Frank & Funny line. Then I learned that they were written by actual comedians – who get paid for writing them – I was even more sold.
Good luck out there today!
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