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Regarding the “I’m single” lie of omission

admin - February 18, 2011

There are white lies, there are lie, lies, and there are lies of omission. I know this because I was one of those little girls who had a little problem with lying. It’s like once I found out you could say things that weren’t true and not get struck by lightening (a thing I didn’t quite understand as it was), there was no stopping me. …

More details in last week’s sleep over mystery

admin - February 16, 2011

“I’m sure it was just a circumstantial thing,” I told my friend as we hashed out last week’s sleep-over denial story. “You’ll have much more clarity if you guys hang out again.” Famous last words. Long story short, it happened again. Or, rather, it didn’t happen again. Here is the new set of details. Get your over-thinking caps on! My friend invites guy to her …

The long overdue story of how R and I met.

admin - February 14, 2011

“I’m not trying to hide you from the Internet. It’s just that my blog isn’t about every detail of my romantic life. I’m a very private person!” “Fine. All I’m trying to say is that I think the people want more R, Jess.” And so, in a spirit of today is Valentine’s Day, here it finally is – the story of how I met R …

What to make of being denied the sleep-over

admin - February 9, 2011

I am very sad to report that the “off the record” function on the gchat machine works. The minute you X-out the chat it goes into some Internet black hole, never to be found again. “Isn’t there a way to search and retrieve it?” I asked my friend, “The people at Google must have this figured out.” “I think the whole point is that you …

Dating terms defined: “self-preservation”

admin - February 7, 2011

I heard it three different times in three different ways over the course of a single week. “I’m starting to like him a lot, I know I need to take it slow. You know…self-preservation…” “If he ever texts me back, fine, but I’m not contacting him again. At a certain point it becomes self-preservation time.” “My whole focus with this OKCupid thing is self-preservation.” A …

The Who-Keeps-The-Ring Conundrum

admin - February 2, 2011

if it’s this one the answer is no one. eek! A few weeks ago my co-workers and I got involved in a heated debate over the issue of who “owns” the engagement after a failed engagement. It’s worth mentioning that my co-workers are five, mostly-married men. I was championing a very specific position – well positions – relative to who did the breaking up, who …

My car battery and my status as a woman

admin - January 31, 2011

Last week my car battery died, and I decided that it’s ok to need a man in your life. I promise the rest of this post will be less dramatic, but not by a lot. It was a Thursday night and R and I were on our way back from Thousand Oaks, California where we’d gone to see my good friend Paul in his performance …

Kate Middleton quit her job, should you?

admin - January 28, 2011

*photo credit: Ben Stansall, AFP / Getty Images In case you’ve been away from the Internets for the past three days, Kate Middleton quit her job to prep for the wedding to Wills. Naturally this news has the International press in a total tizzy, so I decided to join the party with my own take for AOL’s MyDaily.com. Agree or disagree? Like or dislike? Kate …

A few more things to learn from The Duke Sex List Girl

admin - January 26, 2011

I promise this will not be a blog post beating of a recently deceased horse. The other day my friend Becca e-mailed me an article about the unfortunate collection of student issues that have arisen at Duke University over the past few years. It was ingeniously titled, “The Hazards of Duke” (note: if you include a pun in the title, I will read it). The …

2011 New Year’s Resolutions: Better Late Than Wronger?

admin - January 24, 2011

New Year’s resolutions are not for the indecisive, or the chronically over-achieving, or people carrying 8 bullet-point to-do lists over from 2010. Unfortunately, right now I’m all three. It wasn’t until this past week that I finally crossed off the last task and deemed myself ready to start thinking about how to live my 2011 life. Ready to start thinking about, being the operative sentence …