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Jessie Rosen

Jessie Rosen resides physically in LA and mentally in NY. She writes scripts, books, articles, sex stories, branded content and killer e-mails.

A Farewell to Jon Stewart from My Husband

Jessie Rosen - August 6, 2015

In lieu of my own post today I’m re-printing the words of my husband R as a tribute to Jon Stewart’s final night as host of The Daily Show. I don’t feature R’s wise, clear and incredibly sincere thoughts enough on the blog. This felt like a nice opportunity. Farewell Jon. I’ll miss you, but I’ll miss R laughing his high-pitched chest laugh at you while he watches …

7 Self Improvement Tips for 30-Somethings

Jessie Rosen - August 4, 2015

It’s my birthday week, and I’m not sure how I feel about that fact. On the one hand I’m healthy, happy, and further along in most aspects of life than I was one year ago (but to be clear still can’t avoid gorging on a cheese plate). On the other hand I’m constantly striving to do/be/write/life/save/eat better because I am a perfectionist and a borderline yuppie (but …

What Exactly Is Sunday Night Sex Talks?

Jessie Rosen - July 30, 2015

It’s been awhile since I’ve talked about (slash shamelessly promoted) my storytelling series, SUNDAY NIGHT SEX TALKS. So much so that I’ve recently had a few people ask, “what exactly is Sunday Night Sex Talks?” People I know… In four sentences: Sunday Night Sex Talks is the L.A. based storytelling show that I founded in 2012. It started as a night of true tales held at Bar …

How To Handle Fear: According To My Puppy

Jessie Rosen - July 28, 2015

Our puppy Louie turned one on Sunday. He attended a paw-ty with all six dogs from his original litter and his momma hosted at the house where she was fostered after she was found abandoned, pregnant. I didn’t cry, which is a god-damned miracle. Raising Louie from eight weeks old has been a struggle and a joy. It challenged R and my relationship, then made …

7 Tips for Enhancing Your Blog

Jessie Rosen - July 23, 2015

Kudos to Tessa Trainor of the blog You & I for being the first person to e-mail me following my How To Start A Blog in 7 Easy Steps post. She wins the gift of 7 Tips for Enhancing Your Blog – for her specific blog. Sorry Tessa. I know public constructive criticism is a terrible prize, but you’re doing a beautiful public service with this. …

The Single Best Relationship Litmus Test

Jessie Rosen - July 21, 2015

“I think I figured out the ultimate relationship litmus test,” R said to me as we were walking Louie the other night. He makes these kind of grand statements about dating/relationships/marriage from time to time. I can’t decide if it’s because he’s secretly preparing for his second career as a yenta or if he just wants more blog posts to be about his ideas. Either …

How (And Why) To Make a Short Film: starring Amy Heidt

Jessie Rosen - July 14, 2015

Today we’re taking a dive into the wonderful/stressful/overwhelming/gratifying world of short film making with a Q&A featuring my friend Amy Heidt – the talented writer/director behind the recent short film THE LAST ONES and upcoming short film THE WAITRESS, which just started its Kick Starter campaign. Confession: I have always wanted to write and direct a short film but am wildly intimidated by the process. I …

How To Start A Blog in 7 Easy Steps

Jessie Rosen - July 9, 2015

The #1 e-mail I receive goes something like this: I want to start a blog, but I don’t know where to begin. Any tips for how to get going? My advice is the same every single time, so I thought I’d finally formalize those recommended steps into a little post. Before diving in I just want to say that I think starting a blog is the …