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Jessie Rosen

Jessie Rosen resides physically in LA and mentally in NY. She writes scripts, books, articles, sex stories, branded content and killer e-mails.

Do Men Not Set Men Up?

Jessie Rosen - April 21, 2015

A few weeks back R and I were discussing the idea of setting up a friend. We met a guy. We know a girl. We think they might like to know each other. To be fair, it was R’s idea, which makes this post even more interesting. In order to complete the set-up, we needed the assistance of another person – the person who knows …

Are You an ABC Family “Becomer”?

Jessie Rosen - April 16, 2015

Hey Millennials, this is our lucky week! ABC Family just coined a new, even more annoying word to define the next generation so some of the heat will finally be off of our lazy, entitled butts. Sort of. From what I can tell “Becomers” are technically also Millennials… I think? “Becomers are exploring and establishing who they are becoming – personally, professionally and romantically — …

If They Cheated, Would You Tell?

Jessie Rosen - April 14, 2015

On Friday night R and I saw the latest Noah Baumbach movie, WHILE WE’RE YOUNG. It’s a funny/interesting/depressing/uplifting/way-too-true story, if you’re interested in that sort of thing, but the reason I’m writing about it today is because it prompted a conversation about cheating, specifically – who would you tell on if they cheated? Without giving anything away, there is a moment of infidelity in the movie, …

Hear R & Me Talk Finance & Romance on NPR

Jessie Rosen - April 13, 2015

Last week R and I offered to talk about openly our married finances in exchange for the chance to hear our voices on NPR. I’m not sure it was a fair trade in the end because I always forget that I sound much like a middle school teacher’s pet, but I think we imparted some interesting wisdom on how to combine your money and stay …

7 Things That Helped Me Survive My First Novel

Jessie Rosen - April 10, 2015

Yesterday I finished my first novel. Eventually I’ll get into how it came to be that I wrote my first novel (still not sure), when the process started (31 years ago?) and how long the whole thing took (felt like five years and also five days), but for now I want to focus on how you can finish writing your first novel, too. Here are …

Introducing: 20-Nothings 3.0!

Jessie Rosen - April 9, 2015

HAPPY 1,000th POSTS TO ME. CHECK OUT MY CONGRATS GIFT! I am incredibly thrilled to introduce the all new look, feel and functionality of 20-Nothings.com! Thanks to the incredible team at Stephanie Todaro Design (lead by the incredible Stephanie Todaro), I was able to put all my hopes and Pinterest board visions into this cleaner, brighter, easier to navigate site. The future fun will be …

999 Posts + The Big Blog Re-Design

Jessie Rosen - March 24, 2015

This marks the 999th time I have opened my blogger account and started typing into this blank, white box. Not every post made it live, but the official file number is 999. I cannot fathom how that’s possible, but I have never been prouder. This project started as a place to share what I was experiencing as a confused post-grad in a big, expensive city …

Meditation For Beginners, Who Are Terrible at Meditation

Jessie Rosen - March 19, 2015

As I mentioned, I’ve just started one of Deepak Choprah and Oprah’s 21-Day Meditation Challenges. As I failed to mention on purpose, this is the third time… Basically Oprak create this user-friendly, totally guided, 100% free content that is released daily for 21 days. Each installment runs for approximately 20 minutes and includes an intro by Oprah, a lesson by Deepak and timed meditation with …

7 Things I’ll Do While My Husband is Away

Jessie Rosen - March 17, 2015

R is on official television business in two Canadian cities for the next 10 days. This makes me sad because I prefer when R is in the same city as me, plus I just started watching EMPIRE (and loving every second of it) and now I have to recap each and every detail of the episodes for him over Facetime, and I hate how I …