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Jessie Rosen

Jessie Rosen resides physically in LA and mentally in NY. She writes scripts, books, articles, sex stories, branded content and killer e-mails.

#HumpDayHappy: I’m Make-up Free Thanks to Rodan + Fields

Jessie Rosen - October 15, 2014

show-fresh selfie If there is anything that makes me more uncomfortable than endorsing products it’s sharing pictures of myself without make-up. In fact this will mark the first time I have ever shown my face void of paint in a public forum (unless we’re counting slumber parties, but even then I was known to sneak inside the bathroom before the other girls were awake to …

Ditching “No Means No” for “Yes Means Yes”

Jessie Rosen - October 14, 2014

There’s something really interesting and important going on in the world of sexual assault prevention and prosecution, and I wanted to make sure you all know. For decades now many states have used a, “no means no,” approach when talking about and prosecuting sexual assault. Simply, if someone says “no” then the sex is not consensual. But that means the opposite is true, legally: if …

Wait. Shouldn’t It Be Easier Than Ever To Find Someone?

Jessie Rosen - October 9, 2014

I was having a conversation about these modern dating times the other day (slash every day, but specifically this Tuesday). I said something like, “do you think we’re better off now than we were before?” to which my friend replied, “I don’t know, but I feel like it should be easier than ever to find something. Think of all the options.” From there we were …

#HumpDayHappy: Women Enough + The Bare Campaign

Jessie Rosen - October 8, 2014

Today’s little slice of sun comes from Michelle Fetsch, who founded an organization called Women Enough in 2010 after a 17 year struggle (that started at age 12) with eating disorders, body image and self confidence issues. Her goal was, “to create positive, realistic media messages that would support women and girls in having a healthy body image and self esteem.” Among the many fantastic things that …

I Now Talk To My Husband Through My Dog

Jessie Rosen - October 7, 2014

Sometime last week R and I had the weirdest conversation we’ve had in the almost five years since we’ve known each other. It was a full-on, back-and-forth, deeply meaningful exchange conducted entirely through our dog. I will spare you the details to spare myself the embarrassment, but it may or may not have included the line, “No, Louie, I don’t think your Dad is coddling …

10 Things To Expect The First Week With a Puppy

Jessie Rosen - October 2, 2014

There are countless books on dog training that come in handy the week you bring a puppy into your life. R and I have used Cesar Millan’s How To Raise the Perfect Dog (though How To Raise a Pretty Good Dog and Stay Sane would be even more appreciated), but they all say pretty much the same stuff. And yet no book offers a list …

#HumpDayHappy: Michelle Buteau on Vh1’s Morning Buzz!

Jessie Rosen - October 1, 2014

Sometimes bangarang things actually do happen to bangarang people, and this time it’s my friend Michelle Buteau in the winner’s circle. Michelle is the NY-based comedian/storyteller/actress/host/force-of-nature who hosts Sunday Night Sex Talks East when I can’t make the trip out to Manhattan. She also killed it on the FOX show Enlisted last season. And as of this Friday she’ll be joining Nick Lachey as the …

Letting Go of “Perfect” For A Puppy

Jessie Rosen - September 26, 2014

This piece was written for submission to The Huffington Post and Chevrolet Malibu’s new section Moments Not Milestones which is dedicated to finding the beauty in the here and now, and broadening our definition of an “ideal life.” Their mission is to open their readers’ eyes to the amazing things we can experience when we let go of the notion of “perfection.” Here is my …

#HumpDayHappy: Sunday Night Sex Talks Turns 3!

Jessie Rosen - September 24, 2014

Yes, I’m using today’s #HumpDayHappy for self-promotion, but the fact that Sunday Night Sex Talks – my NO BOYS ALLOWED storytelling show – is celebrating three years of monthly shows in Los Angeles is a very happy fact. We’re planning a big bash for the birthday festivities at KING KING, Hollywood on Sunday, October 5th (just a quick break from our home at Bar Lubitsch …

The Four C’s of a Great Blog

Jessie Rosen - September 23, 2014

On Sunday I taught a workshop on the Basics of Blogging through WritingPad – a fantastic resource for writing classes of all kinds here in L.A. and also online! I’ll actually be offering the class I taught online within the next month, so stay-tuned for that information. My goal in the three hour session was to give hopeful bloggers easy to digest information to help …