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Jessie Rosen

Jessie Rosen resides physically in LA and mentally in NY. She writes scripts, books, articles, sex stories, branded content and killer e-mails.

21 Things I Wish I Knew About Alcohol on my 21st Birthday

Jessie Rosen - July 24, 2014

Remember this above all. Image source. In less than two weeks my littlest sister, Alex, will turn 21. [Yes, very close to my birthday. Five stars for careful reading, reader!] Like me, she will ring in her ability to legally drink alcohol on the Jersey Shore with college friends, high school friends and our parents. Unlike me, she will not consume nine shots at the …

My Number One, Life Changing Takeaway from the ESPY Awards

Jessie Rosen - July 17, 2014

Last night I got the very cool chance to attend the 2014 ESPY Awards because R is a professional athlete. Surprise! Kidding, though he was recently the first pick for a backyard volleyball game among a group of fairly athletic people.  I was at the ESPY’s because R’s business is doing business with the people who do the ESPY’s. I can’t share those details but …

(Most Of) My Massive List of Wedding Advice (Finally)

Jessie Rosen - July 15, 2014

Annie’s sweet little blog header! It took two months of marriage and a push from fellow blogger Annie over at the fantastic Altar-ed to make me finally get this long list of wedding planning advice down on Internet (what is paper?). To help me even more, the newly engaged Annie sent an incredibly comprehensive set of questions, and I just typed my answers into the …

20-Nothings Travels: Roadtripping Miami to Key West, 18 worlds in 3.5 Hours

Jessie Rosen - July 1, 2014

The rest of my time in Miami was as times in Miami tend to go (I now know), totally over-the-top, incredibly decadent, and mostly spent at a pool. Saturday day featured the iHeartRadio ultimate pool party, which looked like this: Saturday night featured a Ham-Hattan (bacon-infused bourbon) plus the rest of whatever goes in a Manhattan aka the Jon Hamm meets Don Draper of cocktails, …