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Thoughts on my 34th birthday

Jessie Rosen - August 7, 2017

34 crept up on me. First because I spent the better part of the year thinking I was turning 35. Secondly because we moved to a new house, our first house (hence the horrendous blog absence over the past month plus). And third of all because I’m busier right now than I have been since I first left my 9-5 to become a full-time writer. …

A Secret To Successful Marriage: Count It All

Jessie Rosen - May 10, 2017

Today is my third wedding anniversary. I’ve been telling people all morning – the receptionist at my dentist office (who said, oh three years is still newlyweds!), the hygienist at my dentist office (who said, three of infinity!), the dentist at my dentist office (who said, congrats kids and did I tell you I did Johnny Depp’s teeth for the new Pirates movie?). The headline: …

Do You “We” Instead of “I”?

Jessie Rosen - May 9, 2017

On Sunday night I hosted a No Boys Allowed edition of my storytelling series Sunday Night Sex Talks. I started Sex Talks almost six years ago. I had the idea because of a gathering I fell backward into during college (a gathering of conversation, not sex). I was looking for some way to get involved with the comedy community when I moved to LA, and …

How To Play The Waiting Game

Jessie Rosen - May 2, 2017

It took me almost eight months after I graduated college to get my first, official job. I moved from the halls of Boston College to my old bedroom in central Jersey and hit the Monster.com search hard. At the time my dad kept a roll top desk in a carpeted corner of the basement. I would wake up every morning, eat my Team Cheerios (now …

How Activism Works, On You

Jessie Rosen - April 24, 2017

Yesterday I went to a meeting run by an activist organization working on voter suppression issues.   The group is a division of the Action Group Network launched by Beau Willimon, who created House of Cards. It is an impressive, motivated and organized group of friends and strangers tackling the very specific issue of affecting change in government by ensuring that all Americans eligible to vote can actually …

There’s Been a Blip in the Blog

Jessie Rosen - April 5, 2017

This is the longest I’ve gone without publishing a blog post in…ever. I even delayed publishing this post for three days because I didn’t want to type that it’s been the longest I’ve gone without publishing a blog post in…ever. I like routine and ritual and commitment. I like being accountable and productive. This blip in the blog is the opposite of all that, and …

How Blogging Is My Probiotic

Jessie Rosen - February 27, 2017

I’ve been teaching workshops on how to be a blogger for the past three years. They’re four-week courses where we walk through everything from how to structure an effective headline to how to not care when some stranger tells you that your grammar sucks and you shouldn’t be a writer. In the very first class of every section, I make a big deal out of …


7 Ways To Love Yourself

Jessie Rosen - February 14, 2017

I don’t know when the term self-love was invented, but I’m really psyched in happened in my heyday [heyday here being defined as old enough to understand it, young enough to accept it]. Conceptually I think self-love is mission critical – the mission being to have a happy, healthy life with as few enemies as possible. I am one of those people (read: millennials that moved to …

Why I Could Stand To Suffer A Little/Lot More

Jessie Rosen - February 9, 2017

I am stumped about what to write this morning because anything non political feels trivial, unimportant, like a waste of time and anything political feels exhausting, too hard, like it’s slowly frying my brain.   Yesterday, I woke up for my morning write like I have every weekday for the past month, plus. I started this new routine on January 2nd – the first day …