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10 Things To Do After 9:00pm When You’re 32-Years-Old

Jessie Rosen - April 13, 2016

Image via weirdomatic.com A few Friday nights ago R and I had no idea what to do with ourselves. We’re taking a break from booze on account of an upcoming beach vacay, it’s past holiday party season and pre summer patio party season, and this is that weird valley of time between every Oscar movie being in theaters and Zootopia winning the box office. And so …

Remembering My Poppop: My Modern-day Buddha

Jessie Rosen - March 31, 2016

Last week we lost my Poppop. I say we lost him and not “he passed” or “he died” because it feels like he went missing. Six weeks ago he was driving to my parents’ house for Sunday dinner and TV watching (football when it was football season, DVR’ed So You Think You Can Dance when my sisters could sneak it in). Three months ago he …

Why I’m Voting for Hillary Clinton Because She’s a Woman

Jessie Rosen - March 9, 2016

I’ve been debating writing this post for weeks. I’ve grown less and less outwardly political on account of the more and more vicious back lash that bloggers can receive for their opinions. But that negates the entire point of being a writer, as far as I’m concerned, so I’ve decided to be brave. I am a Hillary Clinton support. I support her because I am a …

Why Aziz Ansari and I Want You To Stop Playing Hard To Get

Jessie Rosen - January 13, 2016

I recently read Modern Romance – the new love and dating themed book by Aziz Ansari. And by read I mean listened to on Audible, which you should also do because it’s like 5 hours and 16 minutes of Aziz Ansari stand-up, on demand. The book is fascinating and fun. It covers online dating, in person behavior, the change in our desires and priorities and so …

How To Be Emotional: According to My Puppy

Jessie Rosen - January 6, 2016

It was a rainy day in Los Angeles yesterday, and Louie was in a mood. This could be because of the rain. He hates that I make him sit/stay on his dirty towel until I’ve attempted to dry his sopping curls. He literally won’t look me in the eye. This could also be because his best friend Babe came over and I took away his …

The Girlfriend’s Guide to Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Jessie Rosen - December 22, 2015

My plan all along was to see the three original Star Wars films (New Hope, Empire Strike, Jedi Return) in advance of seeing the brand new Star Wars film (Force Awakens!), and I have officially kept that promise. R and I saw it last night at a small movie theater in Hudson, NY which happens to be the town where we were married. It will now be …

The Girlfriend’s Guide to Star Wars: Part III

Jessie Rosen - December 17, 2015

Thank you for joining me on the wild ride that has been my attempt at understanding the Star Wars. I came to terms with the fact that these aren’t movies about Harrison Ford in Star Wars: A New Hope and almost destroyed my marriage over a single line of dialogue in Star Wars: The EmPIRE Strikes Back. Today it’s time to bring this trilogy to a close with my …

The Girlfriend’s Guide to Star Wars: Part II

Jessie Rosen - December 15, 2015

As you know from last week’s post, I lied to R about seeing the Star Wars and then promised to watch all three original films before the new one blesses the world with its arrival this Friday. Spoiler alert: I finished! Here is the recap on Episode V or film three or The Empire Strikes Back (or R’s favorite). To clarify something in my write-up from last …

The Girlfriend’s Guide to Star Wars: Part I

Jessie Rosen - December 8, 2015

So you lied to your boyfriend/fiancé/husband about having seen Star Wars… Me too. Though, I swear I only claimed to have seen the first one (which is apparently the fourth one?). I just remembered it including things that are in the third one (which is apparently the sixth one?). This all would have gone unquestioned, but they had to go and make a seventh one (which is in …

10 Things I Still Don’t Know About My 32-Year-Old Body

Jessie Rosen - November 24, 2015

[Featured image via Adam Christopher Design] I am now 32 and three months old. According to recent blood work, I am in excellent health. Thanks to Class Pass, I am in the best shape of my adult life. Yesterday I gave advice to a teenager about sex and used the phrase, “your body is your temple.” And yet here is a list of 10 Things …