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Jessie Rosen

Jessie Rosen resides physically in LA and mentally in NY. She writes scripts, books, articles, sex stories, branded content and killer e-mails.

How To Write A Novel While Raising A Puppy

Jessie Rosen - November 5, 2015

[Yes. It’s come to this. I’ve gone so far as to write a blog post about how to write a novel while raising a puppy to promote my novel. I am a publicity monster.] Before I get started let me be very clear about the fact that I DO NOT recommend writing a novel while raising a puppy. It should be avoided AT ALL COST, …

Hump Day Help: #DeadRinger Edition

Jessie Rosen - November 4, 2015

This week’s dose of Hump Day medicine comes in the form of the four things that helped me make it through the writing of DEAD RINGER in (mostly) one piece. I am a creature of routine and habit, plus I never met a proper carrot that I couldn’t crawl my way to with some time and patience. Not mentioned on this list is my puppy Louie who …

10 Simple Ways To Help My YA Novel Today

Jessie Rosen - November 2, 2015

Ten days from today is November 11th or the day my very first YA novel DEAD RINGER is released to the world. I am excited. I am nervous. I am in need of a little bit of help. If you are a massage therapist, expert in relaxation through meditation or own a vodka company, please reach out to me directly. Everyone else -in honor of the …

Hump Day Help: Seeds, Skits, Smarts & Secrets

Jessie Rosen - October 28, 2015

Follow my blog with Bloglovin Wishing you all a happy, productive, super short Hump Day. Here’s my weekly quad of things to make it even shorter. Make this treat   ‘Tis the season for pumpkin carving so could someone I know please make the best part of that whole process – salty, crunchy, maybe truffle-sprinkled pumpkin seeds? I will pay. Thank you Simply Recipes. Celebrate this …

The Right-Sized Make-up That Changed My Life: 7 Days with Stowaway

Jessie Rosen - October 27, 2015

Seven days ago I would have called myself “low maintenance” in the beauty department. I use a few products every day, I’d have claimed. I touch-up only when necessary, I’d have thought. Most days I don’t even wear lipstick; that part is true because it always comes off . Apparently I don’t know myself very well because one delivery from the team at Stowaway Cosmetics changed my …

7 Terrible Blog Post Ideas

Jessie Rosen - October 22, 2015

I had done all the things that I advise my blogging students never to do. I didn’t build a proper content calendar for the month of October; I didn’t write down the one good idea I had sometime on Sunday; and I waited until the absolute last minute to write this Thursday post. It happens. But that doesn’t mean I didn’t spend plenty of time …

Hump Day Help: Storytelling, Swag, Super Cuteness, Survival

Jessie Rosen - October 21, 2015

Another Wednesday, another Hump Day Help click sesh (or four) to get you through ’til tomorrow. Enjoy! buy this book Everyone from lawyers and teachers to writers and performers can use a good lesson in storytelling to up their communication game. My friend Margot Leitman’s brand new book is the brand new bible. listen to this song DAMMIT JANET! I think I still love you… …

My #1 Tip For Beating Writer’s Block

Jessie Rosen - October 20, 2015

Have I mentioned that I have a novel coming out in a few short weeks, that it’s called DEAD RINGER and that you can pre-order it TODAY via DeadRingerBook.com? Okay good. Just quadruple checking on that. I fought through plenty of writer’s block working on the manuscript. Though, according to my favorite quote about writer’s block, there’s no such thing.   “I don’t believe in …

7 Things You’re Allowed to Splurge On

Jessie Rosen - October 15, 2015

I’ve been talking about money in a negative way so much lately (how writers should be paid more, how I’m going to stop worry about that, etc.) that I thought some very necessary splurge talk with be a welcome change. Also I just ran out of several of these items this week so I had to seriously rationalize their purchases. But my bizarre justification process becomes …

Hump Day Help: Songs, Shops, Puppies, Jem!

Jessie Rosen - October 14, 2015

Has it been 125 degrees and 225% humidity where are are for the past two months straight? If so – hello neighbors! – and I recommend not working at all on this Hump Day and celebrating the fact that it’s only going to be 88 degrees and 50% humidity by sitting in your house and watching Casual on Hulu (go Michaela Watkins!). For everyone else …