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Pray The Devil Back To Trump Tower

Jessie Rosen - January 5, 2017

I can’t stop thinking about this documentary Pray The Devil Back To Hell.  I saw it in the Spring of 2008 when it premiered during the 2008 Tribeca Film Festival. I was working there at the time – in the sponsorship department – so I snuck in to see a 10am screening at one of our theaters in the East Village. Word on the street was that …


What Kind Of House Will Make Me Happy?

Jessie Rosen - January 4, 2017

  I can’t figure out if I want to buy a house or, if I do, what kind of house I want to buy.   I think I mentioned that R and I are house hunting? Yeah, I did. So really this should be what kind of house I want us to buy but there’s a u in us so I’m allowed to work it out a little first, …

birth of a nation

What Fox Searchlight’s ‘Birth of a Nation’ Buy Says About Rape Culture

Jessie Rosen - October 12, 2016

Is Fox Searchlight’s Blindness to Nate Parker’s Film Fall the Real Problem?     I’ve been struck over the past few months by the story surrounding Nate Parker‘s film The Birth of a Nation. If you’re unfamiliar here are the key elements: Actor/director/writer Nate Parker made a film called The Birth of A Nation (which he wrote, directed and stars in) The film sold at this year’s Sundance film festival for …

hillary clinton amanda knox

How (I Believe) Hillary Clinton is (Similar To) Amanda Knox

Jessie Rosen - October 5, 2016

Part I: Foxy Knoxy   Last Friday night R and I watched the Amanda Knox documentary on Netflix. I have admittedly been obsessed with this case since it broke. I too studied abroad in Italy and am almost the same age as Amanda. In many way this truly could have been me straight down to the diary of steamy stories. I went into the documentary with an …

Hey Sexist Olympics Media: Apologize!

Jessie Rosen - August 9, 2016

As you may have heard, some sexist Olympics newscasters made some incredibly dumb statements about female athletes.   There was this: “And there’s the man responsible for turning his wife into a totally new swimmer…” from NBC’s Dan Hicks about powerhouse Katinka Hosszu and husband/couch Shane Tusup (a challenging personality who has drawn concern for his treatment of Hosszu). This gem from The Chicago Tribune: Unfortunately Twitter doesn’t …

My Personal Fall TV Shows Schedule

Jessie Rosen - September 24, 2015

This morning I finally went through the full Fall TV shows schedule so that I could properly DVR all my programming, so that I could work my Class Pass schedule around my TV viewing schedule, so that I know exactly which nights I can walk to Mainland Poke on 3rd Street for dinner. I thought you might be interested to know so that we can blog/tweet/’gram/complain about it …

A Farewell to Jon Stewart from My Husband

Jessie Rosen - August 6, 2015

In lieu of my own post today I’m re-printing the words of my husband R as a tribute to Jon Stewart’s final night as host of The Daily Show. I don’t feature R’s wise, clear and incredibly sincere thoughts enough on the blog. This felt like a nice opportunity. Farewell Jon. I’ll miss you, but I’ll miss R laughing his high-pitched chest laugh at you while he watches …

Should You Scrub Your Social Media After a Break-up?

Jessie Rosen - April 28, 2015

I’ve decided to get a little Emily Post up in here considering there is no current Emily Post and she made it all up anyway. My first order of gauntlet throwing: the social media + break-up connection: what do you do with all those photos after the relationship is no more? I think we need to handle this on a case-by-case basis, which I’ve outlined …

7 Shocking Facts About: Taxidermy

Jessie Rosen - April 23, 2015

…with my friend and L.A.’s hottest taxidermist: Allis Marham Allis is the owner of Prey Taxidermy studio in Downtown LA, a taxidermist at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles, and probably the only human pin-up model who would totally dominate should the world go full Mad Max.  Seriously, she’s the ultimate modern girl scout troop leader: she can throw her hair in victory rolls, …