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#HumpDayHappy: A Major Blog Re-Design is On the Way!

Jessie Rosen - February 4, 2015

Yesterday afternoon I met with Stephanie Todaro – the fantastic web master/designer extraordinaire who will be taking this blog into the 21st century (even though it was technically founded in the 21st century). It’s time for a new lay-out, new functionality, new organizational elements and new branding all around. So far we’ve discussed blog template and creative direction. Next I’m putting together a Pinterest board …

Why I Had My Natal Chart Read, And You Should Too

Jessie Rosen - January 22, 2015

I have always been two things that don’t compliment each other very well: a cynic and a searcher. I’m dying to know things about myself, the universe, and where the two meet, if in fact they do. Yet my need for certainty – the black and white way I can see the world – always gets in the way. I don’t believe in things easily …

New Year’s Resolution Update: I can quit alcohol, not cheese

Jessie Rosen - January 12, 2015

Just a little update on how my month of restraint is going…because maybe if I publish the cold, hard facts on the Internet, I’ll finally stop eating cheese. Dry January: check! I have encountered seven occasions in which I was the only one not drinking since writing my resolution post. In fairness to my friends who are not, in fact, alcoholics, the Golden Globes were …

#HumpDayHappy: Fuego Box + Making Shit Happen

Jessie Rosen - December 10, 2014

I am continually blown away by my friend Mike McAdams, the man behind Drinkwel and Lyteshow – the two products that have been saving me from rough Sunday mornings since they came on the market. That same genius is now bringing you FUEGO BOX – your hot sauce of the month subscription service. I say your because you need this in your life. I didn’t …

All I Want For Christmas: 2014 Edition

Jessie Rosen - December 2, 2014

Yes, this marks two, season-specific listicals in two weeks, but the annual Christmas list post (which only happened once before, and in 2011) is an incredibly important element of this blog. My real Christmas list went out to my Mom via e-mail on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, as requested, so that she and my sisters could reference it during their Black Friday shopping. This is …