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Jessie Rosen

Jessie Rosen resides physically in LA and mentally in NY. She writes scripts, books, articles, sex stories, branded content and killer e-mails.

The (Strong and Highly Recommended Case) For Acting Like You Don’t Want a Boyfriend

Jessie Rosen - March 10, 2015

Yesterday I had the delightful opportunity to sit down with a majestic tiny dog named Blanche and her owner Iliza Shlesinger as a guest on Iliza’s podcast, Truth and Iliza. We talked about many things – how I hate Ariana Grande’s pony tail and Iliza loves it, how I’m not technically Jewish even though Iliza thinks I am, how we both really hate noises that …

My Cheap Jeans Obsession Confession

Jessie Rosen - March 5, 2015

Here’s my #TBT truth: 75% of the jeans I own are from Old Navy or the sale rack at The Gap and cost me under $40. I realized that the other day as I visited both Nordstrom Rack and Old Navy in search of a new pair of flare-legged, dark-washed jeans. My old pair got stained recently, and here in L.A. “meeting jeans” are as …

5 Things You Should Never Do When Writing a Novel

Jessie Rosen - February 25, 2015

I am writing a novel. I can’t say much more about it right now other than that it is not a blog post, or a TV pilot or a screenplay or a sex story or anything else I at least have a small amount of experience writing. It is also not due next year, which feels like the only appropriate amount of time one should …

How To Survive a Snow Day…As a 31-Year-Old

Jessie Rosen - February 17, 2015

Hello from my parents’ house in New Jersey where there is 8 inches of snow on the ground and everyone is home from school! I’m here for an extra day because my flight back to L.A. after my sister’s bridal shower and bachelorette festivities was cancelled, and I intend to make the most of this day behind the drifts with my second little sister and …

Your Super Last-Minute Valentine’s Gift Guide

Jessie Rosen - February 12, 2015

Why plan your Valentine’s Day shopping in advance when you can rely on a fool proof guide from me three days before the 14th? Here are some of my favorite last-minute items for guys and girls. I tried to keep them reasonably priced and reasonably easy to get. I also tried to remember that this is a Hallmark holiday and a thoughtful card and fun …

5 Ways That Storytelling Helped My Writing

Jessie Rosen - February 10, 2015

On Sunday we had a wildly successful Sunday Night Sex Talks (no-boys-allowed edition) at Bar Lubitsch in West Hollywood. Tonight we’ll have what I’m sure is going to be a killer Co-Ed Sunday Night Sex Talks (boys-finally-allowed edition) at UCB Sunset (yes, more shameless promotion, so I’ll go all the way and say tonight’s show is sold out but you’re likely to get in off …

#HumpDayHappy: A Major Blog Re-Design is On the Way!

Jessie Rosen - February 4, 2015

Yesterday afternoon I met with Stephanie Todaro – the fantastic web master/designer extraordinaire who will be taking this blog into the 21st century (even though it was technically founded in the 21st century). It’s time for a new lay-out, new functionality, new organizational elements and new branding all around. So far we’ve discussed blog template and creative direction. Next I’m putting together a Pinterest board …

The First Co-Ed Sunday Night Sex Talks (And While I’ll Never Stop Doing the No-Boys-Allowed Show)

Jessie Rosen - February 3, 2015

One week from today I’ll be hosting the very first boys-allowed version of Sunday Night Sex Talks, the NO boys allowed storytelling show that I started three years ago in the back room of Bar Lubitsch on Santa Monica Blvd. If you’re in L.A. I can’t imagine why you’d miss it. We have a dream line-up, the new UCB Sunset is or venue, tickets are …